The begining of Everything
"The Alchemist picked up a book that someone in the caravan had brought. He found a story about the Narcissus. The Narcissus was a boy who was knelt beside a lake to admire his own beauty. One day, he fell into the lake and drowned. the lake weeped for Narcissus because everytime narcissus knelt down by the lakes bank, the lake could see in the depths of Narcissus eyes, he found his own beauty reflected". (Coelho ix). -
Call to Adventure.
A boy named Santiago is a shepard and has a dream about finding his treasure. He goes to an old woman who interpretes dreams. The lady woman told Santiago about what his dream meant.The dreams meant that he "must go to the Pyramids in Egypt There you will find a treasure that will make you a rich man". (Coelho 14). -
Refusal of Call
Santiango refused to follow his dreams in order to finding his treasure because he believes that it is all in his head, "He decided that he would never believe in dreams".(Coelho 15). He knows it's all fake. or so he thought. -
Supernatural Aid
Santiago's supernatural aid is the King of Salem. He may not be there in person to help Santiago but he remembers what the King has said to him and keeps that in mind.The king was mistaken as an old man because he changes his apperence to help them reach their Personal Legend. -
Crossing First Threshold
In order for Santiago to begin crossing from his world to an "unknown world" he must sell his sheep to the King of Salem and then continue from there, where the King will give him stuff to continue his journey. -
Belly of the Whale
Santiago works as a crystsal saleman and stays there for a couple of months,completely changing his apperience by wearing Arbian clothing and smoking a hookah. -
Road of trials
Santiago was about to begin his journey when he meets a "new friend" in an unknow town. He trusts this "new friend" and gives him his money for him to hold. Once in the town, Satniago sees a beautiful sword and gets distrected making his "friend" get the chance to steal and runaway with Santiago's money. -
Meeting with the Goddess
When Santiago was still a shepard, he went from town to town, selling wool and once stumpled upon a Merchant. The shepard told the merchant if he wanted some wool, the merchant said yes.That's when Santiago met the Merchant's daughter. He fell in love with her the second he saw her. -
He's deciding whether or not he should just stay with the Crystal Merchant or pursue on his Personal Legend. He knows he wants to with the Merchant."The boy estimited that, if he worked for six more months, he could return to Spain and buy sixty sheep".(Coelho 56). Less than a year he would have doubled his flock and he would be able to do business with the Arabs because he knew how to speak it. Egypt was now a distant dream to him and was happy working for the merchant and happy with his work. -
Atonement with the father
As Santiago crosses the desert on the caravan, he goes and looks for the Englishman. the Englishman was outside his tent. He sat next to him. As Santiago was thinking he felt movement above him. as he looked up, he saw two hawks flying high in the sky. He watched the hawks as they drifted on the wind. Santiago could sense something going on with the hawks. He goes to the camel driver and told him "An army is coming, I had a vision".(Coehlo 101).Sure enough the war was real. Santiago was right. -
The Ultimite Boon
Santiago finally achieved his goal and is now at the Pyramids in Eygpt to now collect his treasure! There were so ups and downs during his journey but, conquered all of the events! -
Refusal of return
Once, Santiago met Fatima, he didn't want to leave her. he said to the Alchemist "I have already found my treasure. I have a camel,money from the crystal shop,and fifty gold pieces.In my own country, I would be a rich man". The Alchemist replied " But none of that is from the Pyramids".I also found Fatima. She is a treasure greater than anything else I have won".She wasn't found in the Pyramids, either". (Coehlo 115). So,the Alchemist convinced Santiago to continue his journey for his treasure. -
Magic Flight
Now that Santiago has gotten to the Pyramids in Egypt and gets his treasure, he will be coming back to the desert to go marry his girl that he fell in love with in the desert! Fatima will be waiting for Santiago until he returns because she is a desert woman. Santiago's journey back will be adventurous and also dangerous just like it was on his way over to the Pyramids to get his treasure! -
Master of two worlds
Santiago is the master of his own world and of the Soul of the World. He can conquer anything and anyone! He also has balance between the two worlds. -
Rescue from without
Once Santiago was almost beat to death, He felt weak and fell to the sand, nearly unconscious. But one of the refugees came back to where Santiago was and said "You're not going to die, You'll live,and you'll learn that a man shouldn't be stupid."(Coelho 163).Santiago "stood up shakily and his heart bursting into joy because now he knew where his treasure was".(Coelho 163). -
Crossing the return Threshold
Now that Santiago has accomplished his journey to find his treasure he also found the wisdom from the Soul of the World and Personal Legend that he will be sharing with the world. -
Freedom to live
Santiago made it to the Pyramids in Egypt he fell to his knees and weeped. He thanked God for making him believe in his Personal Legend. Once there, he heard several footsteps approach him.They were refugees from the Tribal Wars and they needed money.beating Santiago to death. Santiago thought he was going to die then,are there by then they left saying "Leave him. He doesn't have anything else". (Coelho 162). So they left him. But that made him realize that he now mastered the freedom from fear.