I have to study hard because i get of topic easy . -
Become Buff
Have to keep traying and never give up -
Got hert
I couldnt play soccer and i was stressed so i just had to come down and let it be -
He can drink and drive, he could get liver cancer he can do something stuped and he can get hert -
Grandma dies
First he fiels sad then he fiels sad -
Family history
Needs to eat helthey -
Smoking Again
My mom starts smoking she could get laung cancer yellow teath and bad breth. -
Drinking and driving
I would tell him he cal never drive again if he gets cut and he could die -
sick at home
i would go to the docters or take some medison or something and next year i would get a vacksien -
Puberty begins.
hair starts growning on some playsis and you get sperm -
Makes a pledge to stay abstinent.
If u wanna be some thing or some one u have to be in school and be a good student.