
Hatchet Final Assignment Timeline

  • Side-Note

    Hi Mrs. Granata.
    I know that there is... at the end of my events but I put that there because all of my text couldn't fit. When I submit, I will send you the word document that I did my text on as well so you can see my full description.
  • Plane Crash

    Plane Crash
    13-year-old boy from New York City, Brian Robeson was flying in a bush plane to see his father in the Northern Canadian Oil Fields. As he was flying, “The Secret” of his mom cheating on his dad and causing a divorce started to unfold. The pilot made an immature decision to teach Brian how to fly the plane by letting him turn and use the rudder pedals. Brian did not realize that this would come in handy until problems started to arise in chapter 3. The pilot experienced....
  • First Food

    First Food
    A couple of days into his journey of survival (in chapter 6), Brian found his first food! After some long thinking, his hypothesis was that there were edible berries out in the Northern Canadian wilderness. He found cherry-like berries on a tree, and it was as if the birds that were sitting on the tree led him right to the berries. After indulging in the cherry-like fruit, Brain experienced unpleasant side effects. He had diarrhea and vomited. These severe symptoms caused Brian to feel..........
  • Bear Encounter

    Bear Encounter
    After the “Gut-Cherry Incident,” Brian discovered that there were raspberry bushes. He decided to make a little “carrier” for the berries using his tattered windbreaker. On page 70 as he was picking and eating the berries, he heard a growl from behind him. As he turned around, he saw a big, and scary black bear. It was 2 times taller than him, and he was petrified. He thought that the encounter would be the end of him. Luckily, he did not get killed. The bear minded its own business.....
  • Porcupine Encounter

    Porcupine Encounter
    On page 74, Brian was sleeping and woke up when he suddenly heard a slithering sound. He threw his hatchet at the creature in the darkness but missed and hit the wall of the rock ledge instead, causing the animal to get scared of the sparks it caused. The animal brushed up against Brian’s leg and he realized the animal was a porcupine. The porcupine shot 8 quills into Brian’s leg, and it was in excruciating pain. Brian spent the whole night crying in the cave and feeling sorry for himself.......
  • Fire!

    On pages 82-86, Brian learned that making a fire included time, effort, determination, and demanding work. Brian had many attempts to make a fire and used positivity to encourage himself to keep trying. Brian’s first attempt was to throw the hatchet at the rock ledge, cause sparks and catch them on grass and sticks. His second attempt was a ripped up $20.00 bill but, it would not take the sparks for a successful fire. Brian’s third attempt was to use birchbark fluffs as kindling.....
  • Self-Growth

    On pages 110-116, Brian experiences major self-pity. As Brian was hunting for wood to make a bow, he stepped on a foolbird and thought that if he stepped on it for a second more, he would have killed it. He thought more about how to make a bow to shoot the bird. As he was in his innovative thoughts, he heard a sound. He instantly knew that it was the motor of a plane. He was thrilled by the noise, knowing that this nightmare would be over, was a dream come true....
  • First Meat

    First Meat
    On page 132, Brian wanted to hunt the foolbirds because he was desperate for meat. He found fish meat too light for his liking. He tried to look for the foolbirds’ colour or feathers, but they camouflaged so well that they were ridiculously hard to see. Then, he figured out the key to finding and hunting them. He needed to find their “flying pear-like" shape. After figuring out this crucial secret, Brian mastered the skill of catching foolbirds. Brian was so good at catching them....
  • Tornado

    On page 144, Brian was sleeping and was awakened by the unusual noise. He knew that the noise was not the rain and the thunder that he had experienced over the 47 days that he had been in the forest. He heard a low, new, roar in the sky and it was hard for him to listen closely from the pain he had in his ribs. A cow (female moose) had thrown Brian down into the lake 3 times the afternoon before, so his chest was in excruciating pain. When he remembered something from television, he realized...
  • Survival Pack

    Survival Pack
    On pages 159-167, Brian tried to get into the tail of the plane sticking out of the water. He first made a raft that he used as a working base, so he would not have to worry about treading water and breaking into a plane. He swam the raft out to the plane, and it took a long time because the logs of the raft were very heavy. Then he used his hatchet to rip open the fuselage and tried to get himself through. Suddenly, he dropped his hatchet. After he realized what he did, he was cursing..
  • Rescue!

    On pages 176-177, Brian was in shock about being rescued. When Brian found the survival pack, he found an emergency transmitter and thought it was broken when he turned it on, so he threw it to the side and looked at the other wonders of the pack. He found freeze dried beef, potatoes, orange juice, and peach whip. He was going to cook himself a feast! As he was using the pots provided in the survival kit to get water to cook the meal, there was a faint sound of a plane engine. At first...