Brian's plane crashes
After the piolet has a heart attack Brian glides the plane to the nearest lake that he can find and attempts to land it on the water. He successfully crash lands on the water and makes it to the shore. Brian also suffers from a small concussition -
Gut cherries
Brian goes on a search for food because he is quite literally starving. He sees some birds perched on bushes so he goes over to investigate. Brian then comes across some berries that the birds were eating and tries them -
Builds a shelter
Brian decides to build a shelter,he comes upon a cave-like looking shelter burrowed into the side of a cliff -
Brian get attacket by a bear
He continues to eat the delicious cherries, when all of a sudden he hears a noise off to his right. He turns to look and there about ten feet from him is a giant brown bear. He is petrified by the sight and stays completely still. The bear luckily moves on without conflict. -
WHen brian was slepping he feels a sharp pain in his leg and looks down to see barbs from a porcupine sticking out of it. He then has to pull them out. -
First fire
Brian finds out that by striking his hatchet against the rock in his cave it creates sparks. He then gets the idea that this could be used to make a fire. -
First fish
Brian makes a spear by using his hatchet to carve it out of a branch. He decides that if he only had a bow, it would be much easier. He then carves one out of wood and uses his shoe laces as the string. He then uses the combination of both the bow and the spear to kill his first fish. -
the missed plane
Brian hears a search plane approaching. He quickly drops what he's doing and sprints towards the signal fire that he had made. Once reaching it, he sets it ablaze but he is too late. The plane had already passed overhead and Brian had missed his chance of being resucued. -
Brian while hunting for birds to shoot, gets attacked by a cow moose. The moose rams him repeatedly in the stomach and Brian has to act dead for it to finally leave him alone. He then has to wait for the moose to leave. He also looses his bow and arrow -
The survival pack
When brain realized that there was a survival pack in the tail of the plane he made a raft and attempted to get the survival pack. He finally got is and there was food, and lots of helpfull things -
The Big Feast
In the survival pack there was a load of food. His plan was to have one big feast and then save the rest only when he is very hungry, and use it wisly -
The Rescue
Brian finds an emergency transmitter in the survival pack and from it a plane locates Brian. He had been there a total of 54 days. Brian then goes home a better and changed man thanks to his days in the wild. -
The secret