Hatchet timeline

  • The secret

    The secret
    Brya's mom cheats on his dad.
  • The Crash

    The Crash
    The pilot flying Brian Robeson had a heart attack and left Bryan alone. Bryan flew the plane until it ran out of gas and crash landed in an L-shaped lake.
  • Bryan Robeson leaves Hampton to his dad's

    Bryan Robeson leaves Hampton to his dad's
    Bryan's parents get divorced and Bryan has to leave to Canada to visit his dad over the summer.
  • Early morning breakfast

    Early morning breakfast
    Bryan is finally able to keep consciousness and sits up. He is sitting there when mosquitos started eating at him. He couldn't stop them until the sun came completely up. He was swollen
  • Thirst

    Bryan finally gets thirsty and drinks the lake water. He drinks so much that when he gets back to the shore he throws up.
  • gut cheeries

    gut cheeries
    Brian finds some food and calls them gut cherries
  • raspberries

    Brian wakes up in the middle of the night and gets sick from the gut cherries(choke cherries) thus the next day he searches a different food and finds a raspberry bush.
  • The Porcupine

    The Porcupine
    Bryan heard a noise eating the turtle eggs he had in the middle of the night. It was a porpcupine and it got scared and attacked Bryan
  • The Fire

    The Fire
    Bryan threw his hatchet at the porcupine and it hit a rock creating sparks. He used those sparks to make a fire.
  • The Missed Plane

    The Missed Plane
    bryan was making a bow and arrow when a plane flew by but it missed his signal fire and flew away
  • The Cutting

    The Cutting
    After the plane missed Bryan and he thought he would never leave he cut his wrist. Bryan had survived.
  • The first feast day

    The first feast day
    Bryan had made a fire and finally was able to catch fish so he decided to have a feast of them.
  • sick of fish

    sick of fish
    Bryan has gotten good at hunting and he now is trying to hunt for other things than fish because he is sick of them
  • The foolbird

    The foolbird
    Bryan got sick of fish so he hunts for birds instead.
  • The wolf

    The wolf
    Bryan was getting climbing the side of a hill and saw some timber wolves.
  • Unlucky Happenings

    Unlucky Happenings
    Bryan gets hit by a moose then a tornado
  • The survival pack

    The survival pack
    Bryan had finally managed to get the pack from the plane.
  • The moose

    The moose
    Bryan was getting a drink of water after killing a foolbird and didn't notice the moose until it attacked him.
  • The Rescue

    The Rescue
    Bryan left the signal running and a plane picks it up. That plane saves bryan and takes him back to New York