
Hatchet Events

  • Parent's divorce

    Parent's divorce
    The Brian's parents divorced because his mother was cheating his father.
  • Start of the Summer Vacations

    Start of the Summer Vacations
    Brian Robeson, a young 13 years old man went to Canada visited his father for the summer vacations.
  • Plane crash

    Plane crash
    The Cessna 406 where Brian was, crashed because he ran out of gas. The pilot had a heart attack, so Brian had to take the control but he didn't know how to landed the plane, so he crashed in a 'L' lake.
  • Shelter

    He built his shelter in 2 hours. It was where he was sleeping and doing all his objects (Bow-and-arrow, spear...).
  • Food

    He found some berries by the birds who showed him where they were.
  • Bear

    When Brian was eating the berries that he found, a bear came to him and studied him but didn't do anything more to the young boy.
  • Fire

    He wanted to made fire, he tried three times but only the third worked. The first time, he tried a combination of the two, grass and twigs.The second time, he tried with his twenty dollar bill. The third time, he tried with his hatchet, dry birchbark fluff and blowed on it and it worked.
  • Turtle eggs

    Turtle eggs
    Brian had found 17 turtle eggs in the sand, he found them by following little foot steps.
  • The kingfisher

    The kingfisher
    The kingfisher made Brian realized that he could fish fishes with his spear.
  • Bow-and-arrow

    Brian made a bow-and-arrow with thicker pieces of wood, settled the hatchet on his belt and took the spear. He used to catched the animals to have their meat.
  • The wolves

    The wolves
    A wolf was near Brian. He didn't panic. He saw the wolf as part of the woods and part of everything else. The wolf watched him a little longer, then walked off into the woods, followed by three other wolves but they didn’t hurt him.
  • A better shelter

    A better shelter
    With the help of a dead pine tree that he converted into a kind of ladder, Brian fashioned a little food storage compartment out of a hollow in the rock above his shelter. He weaved a little door to covered the hollow so that animals couldn’t got at it. He wasn’t sure, though, what kind of food he could store there.