
  • Period: to

    Brians Time In the Wilderness

    Brian was stranded in the wilderness for 54 days.
  • Brian's Plane Crash

    Brian's Plane Crash
    Brian got in a plane crash while going to see his dad in the Canadian Oil fields after his parents got divorced. The pilot was letting Brian drive the plane, push the steering wheel, push the pedal, etc. Then the pilot was telling Brian his stomach was really hurting, and he had never felt like this before. Not too long after, the pilot had a heart attack. Brian saw all of this and was forced to make an emergency landing. Brian had to think if he wanted to turn the plane off or let the plane...
  • Brian makes his shelter

    Brian makes his shelter
    Brian makes his shelter After a couple of days of resting, Brian decides to start moving and to find a shelter. As Brian was looking, he came across a rock that looked like it had been there from a glacier. He inspected It and found out that it was a cave. It looked like it had been a bear cave. Brian stayed there to sleep and rest after long days in the wilderness.
  • the secret

    the secret
    Brian tells us about the “secret.” His parents are divorced and it has made him very upset because he secretly knows why. The secret is that he saw his mom kissing a man with blonde hair 2 years ago. Brian knows this because when he was with his friend Terry on a bike ride, he saw his mom kissing another man and cheating on his dad. His parents got divorced 1 month ago and his dad doesn't know why his wife wanted a divorce.
  • Brian meets the bear

    Brian meets the bear
    Brian starts getting VERY hungry. Brian knows that he will die of starvation if he does not get any food, so he goes to look for berries. He just knew the forest was going to have berries, all forests have berries Brian thought. The first berries Brian saw were “gut cherries”. After Brian ate the “gut cherries” he started getting sick. Brian was throwing up and was having diarrhea. Brian went to look for better berries the next day because those berries were bad ..
  • Brian makes fire

    Brian makes fire
    Brian wished he had fire. Brian thought “he needed matches or lighters to make a fire” and he was stumped. That night Brian had a dream about his dad and terry. Terry was showing the BBQ pit and was adding starter fluid. Terry was making fire. This made Brian rage because Terry was showing Brian how to make fire with things he did not have. Terry kept on gesturing to the fire and showing the fire and Brian got even more mad. Brian threw the hatchet at the.......
  • The Power Of Positive Thinking

    The Power Of Positive Thinking
    As Brian is ready to give up his life in the wilderness, Brian remembers his teacher, Mr. Perpich. He remembered his teacher always telling him and other students to think positive and to be motivated. This is important because in the book Brian wanted to comit suicide and give up on everything but he rembered his teacher telling him that you have to think positive to have a good mindset and from then Brian always thought positive thoughts.
  • First fish

    First fish
    Brian wanted to have real food. I mean he missed having chicken, burgers, fries, he missed all of it because now he was alone in the wilderness with nothing. Brian went to wash his hands one day and he saw fish. The fish came to his hand and this made Brian remember that he could fish to get a source of food. He went to his shelter and with a stick and his hatchet he sharpened the stick to a spear. Brian went to test it out, but when he used it, the fish Ran...........
  • First Meat

    First Meat
    Brian was getting tired of fish. He was starting to feel sick from all the fish he had ate. He missed having chicken and then he saw birds. Brian called these birds fool birds. They are called fool birds because they always ran when he tried to hit them. Brian had an idea to try to hit a fool bird with the bow and arrow. Brian waited for the bird to be still and then he shot the arrow. He got the bird and then cooked it on the fire. Brian said that it was the best chicken he had ever tasted.
  • The Survival pack.

    The Survival pack.
    As Brian was looking at the lake, he saw the tail of the plane. Brian was thinking and he remembered that the pilot told him there was a survival kit in the plane. Brian the next day started making a raft out of wood and the hatchet to be able to get to the plane. When he got.............
  • Brian gets rescued

    Brian gets rescued
    Brian was opening the survival pack and saw an emergency transmitter. He did not need it and thought it was not working so he pushed a button on it and then threw it aside. Ad he was opening all his new items, a pilot came out of a bush plane and saw Brian. Brian was just staring at him as the pilot was wowing at the fact that Brian was alive because they stopped searching for him months ago. Brian was shocked and then asked the pilot if he wanted to eat.