

  • Plane Crash

    Plane Crash
    Brian is on his way to see his dad; the pilot has a heart attack and dies. Brian is forced to take over the plane, as he goes through every scenario in his head and how he is going to land the engine dies. The second this happens he tries to land the plane in a nearby lake but falls short. The plane is torn up and sinks into the lake.
  • Builds a shelter

    After wakes up from the crash he has no idea what to and starts to cry. he realizes that is not going to do anything for him and he thinks of what to do. He thinks back to the time him and his friend Terry would built forts in the woods. He built a small shelter over viewing the lake, and falls asleep right after.
  • Berries

    When Brian wakes up from his sleep, he is starving and needs to find food. As he is waking around he finds a bush full of red berries. Not knowing if they're good or not he eats them. There bitter but he keeps going. Once eating so much he goes back to his shelter and falls asleep once more.
  • Bear!

    When he wakes up he goes out to find the berries again once eating a little more again. He hears a noise and turns around, there was a huge brown bear standing over him. In shock Brian doesn't move. The bear soon grabs the bears and leaves.
  • Fire

    As he is sleeping he is woke by all the bugs biting him, he stays up all night swatting them away. In the morning he is so tired and sits there. He sees that a light and realizes the sun is reflecting off his hatchet. He uses this and makes decides to make a fire. He uses a rock and his hatchet to start the fire. Once started he goes out and gathers fuel for the next few days
  • Brian's first Fish

    Brian's first Fish
    Brian has been has not been doing anything besides gathering wood for his fire and shelter. His food starts to become scares and thinks of another source of food. He sees the lake and thinks of the fish. He crafts a spear and attempts to catch a fish. Once that fails he makes a bow an arrow and catches his first fish.
  • Rescue?

    As he out hunting for food, he hears plane overhead, he runs to signal them with a fire. By the time he starts the fire it's too late and the plane is gone.
  • Upgrade

    Once night, Brian woke up after he heard a noise inside his shelter. There was skunk in his shelter, he was sprayed. Later in the day he woke up and knew he needed to make his shelter better. He gathered bigger branches, sand and mud used to make the walls stronger.
  • Twister

    Brian is sleeping in his shelter when he is woken up by a huge crash. Seconds later he is thrown into a nearby tree and starts to lay there as he sees a tornado tear apart everything he made. He then is so exhausted he falls asleep and wake up a few days later to see everything destroyed.
  • Survival Pack

    Survival Pack
    Brian realizes that's there is no hope, he has to start from starch. He looses all hope and starts to give up then sees the tail of the plane sticking out of the water. He thinks of the pilot and the survival pack he had brought. He builds a raft and goes out to the plane. He starts to break parts of the plane off and heads down into the plane. Once he gets down in the plane he grabs the survival pack but then sees the dead body of the pilot and pukes in the water. He brings the pack to shore.
  • Rescue

    After waking up from a nap he looks through the pack and sorts everything out. He finds a transmitter and tries to use but seems like it doesn't work. he eats some of the food he finds and then a plane lands on the lake and says he heard the transmission and Brian goes home after being there for about 2 months.