
  • Plane Crash

    Brian is going to see his father in an oil field. He is going with a pilot, during the flight the pilot suddenly has a heart attack; Brian doesn’t know what to do and is panicking and praying for the pilot. Brian now knows the pilot is dead and understands Hes going to have to fly the plane himself, he put his hand on the controls. Brian noticed a transmitter and calls it. They give him tips for when to stop the plane and crash, ...
  • Shelter and food

    Brian was looking for food and finds a ridge and decides to make it a shelter, Brian uses branches to build the front like a wall, so it doesn’t get wind inside. Later, Brian sees these birds and follows them. He gets lead to a bunch of berries. Brian ate the berries and threw them up after, but it still got his hunger away.
  • Bear Attack

    Brian was looking around his shelter and found berries. He hoped they were better than the last ones. Brian kept eating them and felt fine until he heard a noise from his right and a few seconds later saw a bear. Brian didn’t move an inch and the bear stared at him. Then the bear moved on after without fighting Brian.
  • Porcupine attack and Fire

    In the middle of Brians sleep he woke up to a noise near his feet. He feels a sharp pain in his leg and throws his hatchet, as he throws his hatchet sparks of fire went everywhere. The porcupine kept on poking him and Brian was taking the horns out. Brian kicked the porcupine away and took all the quills out. The same day he had a flashback of when the porcupine fought him, and he threw his hatchet sparks of fire went everywhere. ...
  • First Fish

    Brian makes a spear and carves it out using his hatchet. Then he goes to the lake to catch a fish. He keeps on trying and trying but he had no fish. Then he thought he could make a bow. He makes it out of wood and uses laces from his shoes as string. He then uses the spear and bow to catch it. Only a bit after trying he finally caught a fish. Brian is now happy that he can have different foods to eat.
  • Missed Plane

    Brian was eating berries until he heard a noise and immediately thought it was a plane. He ran to a signal fire he made recently and set it on fire but, the time it was set the plane was already gone. Brian had no hope at all after and didn’t feel like trying.
  • Moose Attack

    Brian was hunting for birds and heard some type of noise. He listened closely, then turned and saw a giant moose. The moose constantly runs into him and hits him until Brian thinks about pretending to be fake dead. Then the moose goes and Brian is in pain but is still alive.
  • Tornado

    Brian he goes to sleep, during his sleep he hears a noise that sounds like a vehicle. Brian looks outside and sees a tornado. The tornado launches everything he had made and gathered over the past month in a half away. Brians last hope is that the moose is dead. Brian understands he is starting from scratch just like at the start. Then after the tornado, on top the water Brian sees the plane tail sticking out and knows he could use that as something.
  • Survival Kit

    After Brian sees the plane was sticking out he has an idea as he remembers the pilot told him there was a survival kit in the plane. Brian builds a raft to swim to it. He punches a whole in the plane and makes a dent, he punched again and broke it open. Brian has a fear before he goes down, that the pilots body will be there. Brian goes in and out the water trying to reach for the survival kit. He finally gets the survival kit and takes it back to shore.
  • Rescue

    Brian opens the survival kit and finds a Sleeping bag, food, cook set, compass, matches, emergency transmitter that didn’t turn on so he put it to the side. He finds a fish set and many other important stuff. Later he sees a plane and finds out that the transmitter located him. Brian is finally rescued and is back to his normal life outside the wilderness.