Hachet book cover

hatchet grade 6

  • Plane crash

    Plane crash
    in chapter 3, Brian is on a plane and looking out the window. Then he noticed that the pilot was yelling about his chest. This was a heart attack. Brian is in a panic and when the pilot dies, he has to find where to land, he crashes into an "L"-shaped lake. When he crashes, he crashes his way out of the plane because he is under water. Brian thinks he is going to die because he sees "a color he had never seen before." Later Brian gets attacked by a big swarm of mosquitoes. ...
  • Builds shelter

    Builds shelter
    chap 6, After being harassed by mosquitoes, he gets tired of it. Brian looks around “his eyes fell upon the stone ridge to his left.” He thinks it was made by a glacier centuries ago. The stone ridge looks like a “sideways bowl,” Brian starts resting on his new “home’ right away when he finds it. He takes a few sips of water even though he did not feel like it, he felt like he needed it. This is an important part of the story because this is when Brian finds shelter and does not have to worry...
  • Bear attack

    Bear attack
    In chapter 7, after Brian’s encounter with gut cherries, he needs food. So, he sets off to find some. Fortunately, he finds raspberries and Brian stuffs his face with them. He even collects some in his windbreaker he is wearing. When picking some he encounters a Brown cinnamon-colored Bear. Without thinking he takes off but he notices it does not chase him. The bear notices that Brian does no harm and leaves him alone. When Brian came back, he noticed this. This is an important...

    In chapter 7, after Brian rests in the shade, so he sets off to find some food. He sees some berries bushes on the other side of the lake, so he sets off to the other side of the lake to try to find the berries. Brian sets off to find some bushes and remembers to keep the water to the right to find his way back to his “home,” when he looks around, he sees a robin, “some kind of sparrow, and a flock of reddish orange birds with thick beaks.” later when Brian finds the berries...
  • an unwanted guest

    an unwanted guest
    In chapter 8, Brian is sleeping until he hears a sound at first, he thought it was a growl, but then he heard slithering. So, Brian threw that hatchet at the sound... But the seemed like the wrong thing to do because he missed and the creature did something that made Brian’s leg hurt like hundreds of needles had been Driven into him. Now Brian was un armed, in pain, and fear. Luckly Brian saw the creatures shadow leave his “home,” and gone, Brian noticed later that it was a porcupine. ...
  • FIRE!!!!

    In chapter 9, Brian thought of making fire and he had a dream where it was his dad trying to tell Brian something to make fire. Then he had a dream with his friend terry and he make a fire over a BBQ. Brian found that if he strikes his hatchet against the stone wall in his shelter and he finds that doesn’t work so he shreds his $20 bill into paper. He takes the paper and wood slivers and makes it into a “nest.” Brian strikes his hatchet and makes “red worms.”...
  • FISH!!!!

    In chapter 13, Brian wanted fish and tried to use his fish spear that he spent hours on. Brian then wanted to make a bow, so he makes one from his shoelace it takes a few tries but he makes one that works. Then Brian tested it but he missed, “it seemed to him that the arrow had gone right through the fish.” Finally, he remembers that water bends light so he points a little of to the fish and shoots. HE GOT A FISH! Brian cooks it and it was like home “it was his first feast day.”...
  • MOOSE!!!

    In chapter 15, After learning how to kill a “foolbird,” Brian walks to the lake and washes his hands and the foolbird. This “was almost the last act of his life.” some smell or sound alerted Brian and started to run but, it was no use because when he looked around, he saw “a brown wall of fur’” the moose threw Brian into the water and the moose was on him using her head to drive him to the bottom. Brian saw that all the moose wanted were the lily pads. ...
  • tornaodo

    In chapter 16, after Brian's unfortunate moose attack Brian hears a “low, a low roaring sound.” Brian already knows what it is he hides in his “home’” and prays to be safe. It was too late the wind was tearing the trees and water was in the air. The shelter stood no chance. Everything was gone everything Brian worked so hard on was gone. Brian looked around he saw the trees broken, but he saw one thing... It was the tail of the plane sticking out of the water. ...
  • RESCUE!!!

    In chapter 19, when Bran found the emergency transmitter and switched it back and forth, he thought it did not work. But Brian accidently left it on and it sent it to a fur trader practicing. When he got the message, he landed by Brian and Brian was speechless and all he could say was, “I am Brian Robeson,” then, “would you like something to eat?” this is an important part of the book and changes the book because He is about to be saved and back to the city...
  • survival pack

    survival pack
    In chapter 18, after the tornado and doing everything again Brian Makes a “raft,” which is made from logs, and his windbreaker as a rope he calls this “brushpile 1.” Brian then goes into the water and it takes him 2 hours to get to the tail of the plane. Brian cuts open the tail and saves the pieces just in case. Then the worst thing happened: Brian dropped his hatchet in the water Brian, mad at himself, dives to get it he takes a few tries but finally gets it... back to work...