Gregor Mendel

  • Birth

  • Completing his studies

    Completing his studies
    Mendel went to the University of Olmütz. He studied mathematics and physics.
  • Became a monk

    Became a monk
    "Mendel discovered the basic principles of heredity through experiments in his monastery's garden. His experiments showed that the inheritance of certain traits in pea plants follows particular patterns, subsequently becoming the foundation of modern genetics and leading to the study of heredity."
  • Became a teacher

    Became a teacher
    Medel didn't like life as a monk. So he decided to become a highschool teacher.
  • Studied plants

    Studied plants
    He started learning about traits with pea plants.
  • Discovers law of segregation

    Discovers law of segregation
    He discovers the Law of segregation in the 1860's. the Law of segregation states that allele pairs separate or segregate during gamete formation, and randomly unite at fertilization.
  • Austrian Meteorological society

    Austrian Meteorological society
    He studied astronomy and meteorology and found the 'Austrian Meteorological Society'
  • Replaced napp

    Replaced napp
    he had replaced Napp as abbot of the monastery.
  • Mendel's Idea's

    Mendel's Idea's
    His ideas were rejected. they were later rediscovered in the twentieth century.
  • Death