George washington

George Washington

  • Birth

    George Washington was born February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland country, Virginia
  • Household He Grew Up In

    Household He Grew Up In
    George moves to the Ferry Farm and spends most of hid youth living there
  • Dad's Death

    Dad's Death
    George's dad died when he was only 11 years old, his dad was known as Augustine Washington and George inherited 10 slaves from hid dad.
  • His Travels

    His Travels
    George Washington traveled to Barbados with his half brother to cure the latter of a respiratory illness.he later get a small contract of small pox
  • War

    He later returns during a battle between the French and the British, Washington showed a great act of courage and leadership by having a great conduct during battle he later got promoted and was given command of the entire military force of Virginia.
  • His Resignation

    His Resignation
    At the end of the American Revolution he resigned his commission, and gave the power to the people and he was known for a hero after that
  • President

    He decides to go along on this sphere of being elected and in 1789 George Washington was elected at the first president of the united states
  • 2 Terms

    He was only a great president for only 2 terms of his career
  • 3rd Term

    3rd Term
    He refused a 3rd term and retired from presidency and all public life
  • Death

    George Washington passed away on December 14 from a throat infection called epiglottitis in his bedroom at Mount Vernon. He was surrounded by close friends and his loving wife Martha.