George Washington

By Yeon Ah
  • George Washington was born

    George Washington was born
    He was born in 2/22 1732. He was born into a wealthy farming family in Virginia.
  • He entered public service and became a government surveyor.

    He entered public service and became a government surveyor.
  • He led a raid on the French Army.

    He led a raid on the French Army.
    He joined the colonial militia, or volunteer army. And led a raid on a French army unit in what is now Ohio.
  • He married with Martha.

    He married with Martha.
    He married with Martha. They did not have any kids.
  • He joined the Virginia House Burgesses.

    He joined the Virginia House Burgesses.
    George Washington served in the Virginia House of Burgesses for fifteen years before the American Revolution.
  • He elected to commander.

    He elected to commander.
    The Continental Congress appointed him commander-in-chief because he had military experience and thought it would help unify the colony.
  • Christmas day attack

    Christmas day attack
    leading the soldiers into battle for the first time in the war, crosses the Delaware River.
  • Views on Slavery

    Views on Slavery
    He belierd slavery needed to end. He didn’t think all Americans were deserving of such freedoms.
  • Presided over the Constitutional Convention.

    Presided over the Constitutional Convention.
    George Washington provided guidance for 55 state delegates who gathered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to fiercely debate the future of the United States.
  • He is considered the foremost of the Founding Fathers

    He is considered the foremost of the Founding Fathers
    He is considered the foremost of the Founding Fathers, which is the group of men who established the United states in its early years of the great role he played in the founding of the United States.
  • He was elected the first president of the Unites States

    He was elected the first president of the Unites States
    The country was brand new, so there was a lot of work to do. He appoint the entire supreme court.
  • He signed laws that protected slavery

    He signed laws that protected slavery
    he never spoke publicly about it, and signed laws that protected slavery as well as laws that curtailed slavery.
  • He died and let slavely set free.

    He died and let slavely set free.
    Before his death, he freed the slaves he owned. He wanted the slaves to be freed before he died, so he asked that the slaves be freed when he died. Her wife Martha voluntarily freed slaves in Washington 16 months before her death.
  • Legacy

    He set a lot of precedents.
  • Legacy

    two term limit on the 22nd Amendment
  • Legacy

    He delivered his farewell address. He warned that Americans needed to stick together.