was when George Washington was born
George Washington was born in the year of 1732. he was born into the provincial gentry of colonial virginia. George was the first child of Augustine Washington. Washingotn was born on their popes creek estate near present day. -
Washington was appointed offcial surveyor at age 17
Washington was offcial surveryor for culpeper it was a well paid position which led him to buy land in the Shenandoah Valley. First of hs many lands acquisitions in western virgina. -
Washington's map accomping his journal to the ohio 1753-1754
the ohio company was important vehicle through which british investors planned to expand into the ohio valley. opening new settlements and trading posts for the indian trade. the french themselves began expanding their military control into the ohio country. -
Washington enlarged the house at Mount Vernon
Lieutenant Governor Dinwiddie had promised land bounties to the soldiers and officers who volunteered to serve during the French and Indian war. Governor Norbonre Berkeley finally fullfilled Dinwiddies promise n 1769-1770 with Washingtons subsequently receiving title to 23,00 acres. -
Washington married Martha Dandridge Custis
Washington married the wealthy widow Martha Dandridge Custis then 28 years old. survivig letters suggest that he may have been in love at the time wih Sally Fairfax. together the two raised of her children from her previous marriage. -
the Braddock disaster
Washington was the senior american aide to british general Edward Braddock. the largest british expedition to the colonies ans was intended to expel the french from the ohio country. -
is when Washington signed the United States Constitution
Washington was persuaded to attened the constitutional convention in philadelphia in the dummer of 1787. unanumously elected president of the convention. -
was when George first started in office
George was the first president of the united states. He was a very secessful man. he accploish to become the first president of the united states. he was the cheif of the contiental army during the american revolutionary war. -
Washington Farewell Address
The Farewell Adress was one of the most influemtial statements of republicanism. it was darfted primarily by washignton himselve with help from Hamilton. -
was George washington last year in office.
George Washington did many things he was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. washington was elected president as an unanimous choice. He served two terms iin office. -
Washington plantation and farmlands at Mt. Vernon
Washington returned to Mount Vernon with a profound sense of relief. he devoed much time in his plantations and other business interests. his plantations operations were best marginally profitable. -
is the year that George Washington died
Washington dead by sickness he went out one day in the rained came inside and didnt change clothes he woke up the next morning with a sore thoart. Then he still went out that day whe a was snowing and hail he went horse back riding and he didnt wake up the next day.