
George Orwell

  • Birth

    He was born in eastern India.
  • Becoming a writer

    Becoming a writer
    He decided to resign from the Indian Imperial Police in Burma in order to become a writer
  • Move

    He moved to Paris and worked in menial jobs.
  • First book

    First book
    Down and Out in Paris and London was his first book in which he described his experiences in Paris.
  • First novel

    First novel
    Burmese Days
  • Spain

    He travelled to Spain to fight for the Republicans against Franco's Nationalists
  • Third book

    Third book
    The Road to Wigan Pier, a book that he wrote because he was commissioned to write an account of poverty among unemployed miners in northern England.
  • Period: to


    He worked on propaganda for the BBC. In 1943, he became literary editor of the Tribune.
  • Fouth book

    Fouth book
    It's a political fable set in a farmyard but based on Stalin's betrayal of the Russian Revolution.
  • 1984

    'Set in an imaginary totalitarian future, the book made a deep impression.
  • Death

    Orwell's health was deteriorating and he died of tuberculosis.