Jul 25, 1570
Abraham Orteious Flemish
Had a huge collection of atlases and was apart of the continential drift theroy. -
James Hutton Scottish
He established geology and is known as the father of modern geologists. -
Matthew Maury American
Seafloor Spreading -
Alfred Wegener German Geologist
He hypothesized that the continents once fit together, called continental drift. -
Kiyoo Wadati Japanese
Deep earthquakes or today known as the Wadati-Benioff zone a reigion of intermidiate and deep earthquake zones along oceanic tranches -
Alexander duToit South African Geologist
He helped form the theory of continental drift by comparing the continents of Africa to South America. -
Harold Jefferys British
His theroy was on plate techtonics and he opposed continential drift. -
Harry Hess American
Conducted the theroy of sea floor spreading. -
J. Tuzo Wilson Canadian Geologist
He studied plate tectonics and it was important because it tied into continential drift and the seafloor spreading -
Marie Tharp American
Mid Atlantic Rift. Continential drift.