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Genral Geroge S. Patton Jr. via Matt Heilmann

  • Start Of A New Hero

    Start Of A New Hero
    Genral George S. Patton jr. was born on Noveber 11 1885.
  • Period: to


  • West Point

    West Point
    Patton was a graduate of West Point academy in 1904. He was there for three years. His first year he attended V.M.I.
  • Here Comes the Bride

    Here Comes the Bride
    Geoorge S. Patton Jr. and his lovely lover Beatrice Banning Ayer got married on May 26, 1910 in San Griel, California.
  • Baby

    On this day the patton family gave birth to a daughter that was named Beatrice
  • Light The Tourch

    Light The Tourch
    In 1912 George Patton attened the Olympics. He was there for fenncing, and pistol shooting. But Patton was benched for the shooting part after they thought he missed the target. But he put the bullet in the same hole as the guy before him (in the bullseye) but they later found the .38 cal bullet that only Patton used.
  • Number 2 Baby

    In 1915 Genral George Patton's wife had another one of Patton's childern
  • The help

    The help
    Patton helped general Pershing to mexico to help them fight in the mexican revolution.
  • Start of The war

    Start of The war
    On this spaing day President Willson has desided to go to war agenst Germany at the start of WWI
  • Last Baby

    In 1923 Patton's wife had there last child and named him after Patton.
  • Intelligance Officer

    Intelligance Officer
    Durning his time in Hawaii Patton became intelligance officer
  • Retured home

    Retured home
    after being in Hawaii for three yaers Patton was able to retun to his home in virgina.
  • African

    In mid 1941 North africa thretaned war on the US
  • Taking Charge

    Taking Charge
    In late 1942 Genral George S. Patton Jr. took charge of the western task force, operation torch, in northwest Africa
  • Husky

    Operation husky was a plan totake done Hitler
  • Death

    Genral Geogre S. Patton died on December 21 1945 at the age of 60. He died from ablisom after a car crah in germany on his way back to the states.