Franklin Pierce,by Bella Butler

  • born in New Hampshire

    born in New Hampshire
    Hillsborough,In New Hampshire
  • Period: to

    Franklin Pierce was born

    Franklin Pierce was born in Hillsboro New Hampshire
  • Student at Bowdoin College, Brunswick

    Student at Bowdoin College, Brunswick
    For his education he went to the College of Bowdoin,in Brunswick.
  • Attended Hancock Academy and Frances town Academy in New Hampshire

    Attended Hancock Academy and Frances town Academy in New Hampshire
    for his college he went to Hancock Academy
  • Studied law in office of Levi Wood bury, Portsmouth, N.H.

    Studied law in office of Levi Wood bury, Portsmouth, N.H.
    He studied law just like his father did to be a lawyer.
  • Elected to the New Hampshire state legislature

    he wanted to to be a president because he looked up to his dad who also had the same dreams.
  • Elected speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives

    Elected speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives
    He first volunteered and was so happy when he got the letter saying he was elected to be the speaker.
  • Served in the United States House of Representatives

    First parts of his job were rocky because of all the wars that were going on around him.
  • Married Jane Means Appleton

    Married Jane Means Appleton
    Franklin met Jane and he knew he was in love with her,they had 3 kids together but none lived long.
  • Son Franklin Pierce, Jr., born

    he was the first son to die the day after being born.
  • Son Franklin Pierce, Jr., dies

    Son Franklin Pierce, Jr., dies
    passed away the day after he was born.
  • Son Franklin Robert Pierce died

    he was one of franklin three sons who made it to a day.
  • Son Franklin Robert Pierce born

    The second son to pass away after birth.
  • Son Franklin Robert Pierce born

  • Son Franklin Robert Pierce born

  • Served in the United States Senate

    Served in the United States Senate
    He severed for a few years but the loss of his kids hurt pierce and his wife.
  • Served in the New Hampshire state legislature

    Served in the New Hampshire state legislature
    he then served as the states Legislature for New Hampshire
  • served as brigadier general under General Winfield Scott

    served as brigadier general under General Winfield Scott
    He was in a few wars fighting by the sides of former or future presidents.
  • Elected president of the United States

    Then ran for the president's office when he elected he knew he would change the world.
  • Involved in train accident in which son Benjamin died

    Involved in train accident in which son Benjamin died
    He was on his way to go to a meeting with his wife and son when the train got into an accident hurting Franklin,and killing his son.
  • Inaugurated as fourteenth president of the United States

    Inaugurated as fourteenth president of the United States
    Then he ran to be the fourth president of the United States with William R. King as his vice president.
  • vice President William R. King died

    vice President William R. King died
    Then his vice President passes away.
  • Signed Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Signed Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Franklin was asked to sign the Kansas Nebraska Act to pass it as a law.
  • Signed Gadsden Purchase treaty

    Signed Gadsden Purchase treaty
  • Ostend Manifesto regarding possible annexation of Cuba

    Ostend Manifesto regarding possible annexation of Cuba
    To help out he did the Ostend Manifesto regarding possible annexation of Cuba
  • Failed to win re-nomination

    Failed to win re-nomination
    Then Pierce didn't get enough votes to hold office which is when he left.
  • Completed term as president of the United States

    Completed term as president of the United States
    Then the end of Franklin term happened
  • European tour

    European tour
  • Death of wife Jane Means Appleton Pierce

    Death of wife Jane Means Appleton Pierce
    Then while Franklin was away his wife Jane Means Appleton Pierce died.
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne died while traveling with Pierce in New Hampshire

    Nathaniel Hawthorne died while traveling with Pierce in New Hampshire
    Then Nathaniel Hawthorne,one of Franklin's close friends passes away while he went on a trip with him.
  • dies

    Franklin Pierce died in 1869 at the age of 64 in Concord. He was buried there in the Old North Cemetery.