Forest Gump Timeline

  • 1972 BCE

    Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    This was a scandal when people broke into the Democratic National Committee Headquarters. Nixon abused his powers and eventually had to resign because of it.
  • Nepalm

    This was a tactical weapon to insure fear and cause chemical burn on the people.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    This was a competition between the Soviet Union and the US. They wanted to put satellites in space and make human spaceflight. Eventually Armstrong landed on the moon.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    He was, and still is, known as the King of Rock and Roll. He was made popular in the mid to late 50s. He served in the military for 3 years. He ended up being addicted to prescription drugs. He ended up passing away from heart failure.
  • Segregated buses

    Segregated buses
    Segregated buses were buses separated. The front of the bus was for whites, the middle was for unreserved, and the back was for blacks. Many people challenged the segregated buses and eventually stopped in the mid to late 50s.
  • "Charlie"

    "Charlie" was a nickname for the Vietnamese soldiers during the Vietnam War. It was also known as Vietcong.
  • George Wallace

    George Wallace
    George Wallace was the governor of Alabama in 1967. He protested segregation in schools; particularly the southern states. He was in the military and attended law school. He ran 4 terms as governor of Alabama.
  • Anti-war protest

    Anti-war protest
    People protested war very heavily in the 50's and 60's. The vietnam war was a very brutal war. People would make signs, crowd together, and rebel. This
  • Black panthers

    Black panthers
    This is a anti-war group. They mainly formed for self defense. People would join to be safe and so they would not be drafted into the war.
  • Ping-Pong Diplomacy

    Ping-Pong Diplomacy
    The ping-pong diplomacy was a game of tennis between two countries. This was a friendly, competitive helped aid and establish relations between the US and Republic of China. It also improved trading.
  • Apple Computers

    Apple Computers
    The Macintosh 128K was the first Apple product ever produced. It came with a warranty and was guaranteed to work. It was a personal computer. It came with a mouse and keyboard. Apple is a "multinational technology company" that produces many products. In the 20th century, Apples computer boomed and brought in a lot of money.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    He was the 39th president. He was known for new technology, panama canal treaties, and he won a nobel peace price. He was also known for the nut industry. Carters legacy was when he created the National Energy Policy.
  • AIDS

    This is a potentially life-threatening condition. Over time we have found ways to prevent it and help it. It damages your immune system and makes it more difficult for your body to fight disease and infection. AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Aids is caused by the affects of HIV. The difference in the two is HIV could cause an infection, while AIDS can lead to death.
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    He was the 40th president. He advocated tax reduction, reducing government spending, and he was known as the great communicator. Any criticism he received completely blew over his head and did not affect his popularity.