Mathieu Orfila was born
Mathieu Orfila was born in 1787 in Island Minorca, outside of Spain. -
His first major work was published
This book was called "Traité des poisons tirés des règnes minéral, végétal et animal; ou, Toxicologie générale", meaning Treatise on poisons drawn from the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms; or, General toxicology. -
Mathieu Orfila started to work under Louis XVIII
He became his royal physician -
Mathieu Orfila became a professor at Athénée of Paris
He taught chemistry -
While a proffesor he made a chemistry book
This book is called "Eléments de chimie médicale" meaning Eléments de chimie médicale -
He published his second book on his toxicology findings
He called the book "Secours à donner aux personnes empoisonnées ou asphyxiées, suivis des moyens propres à reconnaître les poisons et les vins frelatés et à distinguer la mort réelle de la mort apparente" meaning Help to be given to poisoned or asphyxiated people, followed by the means to recognize poisons and adulterated wines and to distinguish real death from apparent death. -
He was made proffesor of medical chemisty
This was appointed by the french government -
He became dean of facility of medicine
This allowed him to reorganize this program, along with raising the bar for getting into this program -
Death of Mathieu Orfila
He died of phenomena and is buried in Montparnasse Cemetery.