Progress Report 1
Charlie writes his first progress report. We learn that Charlie is mentally retarded. Dr. Strauss told Charlie to write down everything that happens to him. He spells everything phenotically. -
Progress Report 2
Charlie is given a Raw Shok test that is a measure of his cognative thinking skills. He can't find anything in the inkblots so he assumes that he neeeds glasses. We learn that Charlie has no imagination. He believes in lucky items. Charlie becomes sure that he's going to fail the test because he doesn't get it. -
Progress Report 3
We meet Charlie's teacher, Miss Kinnian. Miss Kinnian believes that Charlie has the capability to become intelligent and she thinks that he should participate in the operation. Charlie takes part in the Thematic APPerception test and he still as a difficult time using his imagination to come up with a story. Charlie meets Algernon and they do their first competitive race together. When Charlie loses he's upset because a mouse is smarter than he is. -
Progress Report 4
Charlie is going to be operated on. He listens to the doctors as best as he can but he still doesn't understand the meanings on the words they use. Dr. Strauss thinks Charlie will be a good choice for the experiment because he's motivated to be smart. Nemur is against the idea at first because Charlie is mentally retarded and not an animal. -
Progress Report 5
Charlie is nervous before the operation. -
Progress Report 6
There are not any immediate changes in Charlie after the operation. -
Progress 7
Charlie's operation was "like a show." Many doctors viewed the operation to see exactly what was occuring. Charlie's writing is improving. He's becoming easier to understand, his sentences are comprehendible. Hilda, his nurse, is telling Charlie that he's now against God's plan by getting this operation. Hilda was removed from being Charie's nurse because of how she could have potentially affected Charlie's learning. -
Progress Report 8
3/23- Charlie is nervous and excited to go back to work. He learns that Algernon is a special mouse and that he's 3 times smarter than he was.
3/25- Charlie thinks that all of his co-workers are his friends which they're not. They say that doing something stupid is "pulling a Charlie Gordon."
3/28- Charlie doesn't like to race Algernon anymore because he feels bad for him. Charlie is continuing his progress. Dr. Strauss gave Charie a TV so he can continue learning in his sleep. -
Progress Report 9
4/3- Charlie learns that a person has a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. Charlie is taken out drinking with his co-workers and they embarass him and get him drunk. Charlie is given spiked drinks and tol to dance like an animal and to ask women to dance too. Then he's ditched and cops beat him up and took him home. Charlie is realizing that Joe and Frank are actually jerks to him.
4/6- Charlie is still sympathetic for Algernon. -
Progress Report 10
4/9- Charlie reads Robinson Crusoe and feels bad because he wants him to find a friend.
4/15- Miss Kinnian feels awkward about when Charlie thought she was the girls he gave his mother's locket to. She leaves the room quickly from Charlie. Charlie is starting to become easily angered and paranoid that everyone is making fun of him.
4/16- Charlie is learning what punctuation is, he understood it within two days.
4/20- Charlie is sick because of all the spiked alcoholic drinks. -
Progress Report 12 (cont)
5/18- Charlie is making people uncomfortable now. He knows too much that no one understands the things he says.
5/20- A pregnant woman was coming on to him and wanted to have sex with him and when he was baout to do it, he freaked out thinking about his mother and ran away in fear. Charlie wanted to be punished for feeling this way. He knew it was wrong according to his mother. -
Progress Report 11
2/21- When Charlie fully understood that he was a laughing stock he tried to make the best of it. All the doctors have different opinions of what an IQ measures. Charlies IQ is going from 68 to over 150.
4/22- Charlie is taking the inkblot test again. He's angry because he didn't understand what the doctor wanted the first time.
4/25- Charlie is treated like a freak at work now. He makes his co-workers uncomfortable
4/27- The doctors are fighting about when to publish the work done on Charlie -
Progress Report 11 (cont)
4/27- The doctors care more about themselves and how this project makes them look than about Charlie.
4/28- Charlie thinks he's in love with Miss Kinnian. She's only worried about his learning. -
Progress Report 12
4/30- Charlie gets fired because he doesn't need the job anymore. He can do more with himself. Fanny talks to Charlie about temptations. She thinks that the changes in Charlie are both positive and negative. Charlie doesn't think it's wrong that he wants more out of life.
5/15- Charlie thinks only one doctor cares about him (Bert) and the other is selfish and mean. The doctors are uncomfortable around him because he's smarter than they are. He's cocky when he notices this. -
Progress Report 13
5/23- Algernon starts reverting back and he bites Charlie
5/24- Algernon is losing his intelligence
5/25- The doctors asked Charlie to not come to the lab anymore because he's too angry and they don't need him anymore
5/29&30- Charlie is working on the Algernon- Gordon Effect -
Progress Report 13 (cont)
6/4- Charlie writes a letter to all of the people he cares about, telling them where he's oing, why and what he's doing there. It's a heart breaking, emotional letter, he explains what's going to become of him and why he doesn't want anyone to be around to see this happen to him. -
Progress Report 13
Charlie's mother and sister still live together. She feels that since she couldn't care for Charlie, she owes her mother and must care for her.
6/25- Charlie is isolating himself so no one can see his deterioration.
6/27- A lot changed for Carlie at work. His co-workers who once took every chance to make fun of him, defend him from anyone who tries to hurt him.
6/28- Charlie is leaving NY for the Warren State Home, where he can live out the rest of his short life. He's sad about what happened -
Progress Report 13
Algernon dies, Charlie cries and burries him in a box. He's very upset because of the loss of Algernon and because he knows the same will become of him. Charlie is really sad now but also he's coming to understand that it's a part of what he agreed to.
6/21- Charlie is becoming retarded again. He's becoming happy too because of his naieveness, the doctors pity him because they knew how much he wanted to be smart.