Final Timeline Project

By rdfff
  • Joe was a alcoholic

    Joe overcome his probelm by quiting drinking alchol.
  • Health goals for Joe

    Health goals for Joe
    Joe will achieve this by, not consuming any alcohol again.
  • Puberty begins.

    The physical changes that occur during puberty give rise to a variety of social and emotional changes as well.
  • Makes a pledge to stay abstinent.

    stay away from sex
    dont smoke, or drinl
    dont get invole with things that your not suppose too
  • Best friend starts drinking on the weekends

    Im concerned that he might die of alchol poisioning, lung cancer, stages of sober bad influence, and physical changes
  • his/her family history of health disease

    He is in a risk of type 2 dibetties, heat attacks, low cholestrol, and the risk of overweight
  • A stressful event occurs.

    Joe was starting to get depressed
    He started to drink again to forget about his life
    He then has friends, to help him out, and talk him out of his depression.
  • A Family relative starts smoking again.

    A Family relative starts smoking again.
    Reduced lung function and breathlessness due to swelling and narrowing of the lung airways and excess mucus in the lung passages
    Impairment of the lungs’ clearance system, leading to the build-up of poisonous substances, which results in lung irritation and damage
    Increased risk of lung infection and symptoms such as coughing and wheezing
  • A significant loss occurs.

    bill loss a relatives recently, he felt very emotionaly, and had depression during his grief
  • Driving home after a party

    Driving home after a party
    I was ask him if he drink during thr party, if he did i would take away his keys, and ill ask him if he has any drugs on him incase we get pulled over
  • Home sick with the flu for the entire week

    Home sick with the flu for the entire week
    joe has the flu. He can treat it by taking medicine, rest well, and eat better food. He can prevent this by not a sharing personal stuff, not physically contact with person that may be sick, and wear a mask.