He was born on November 21,1868 in San Jose,Costa Rica. -
He went to school at a primary school Colegio de cartio jesuita. Late in his life he signed up for an military academy. Then he attended four years of college in brussel. -
While working on his dads farm after he got out of school he found his soon to be wife. June 5,1898 in San Jose to Maria Fernandez Le Le Cappellain got married to Maria Fernandez Le Capellain. They then had kids. -
Militant of the Republican Party in 1908 elected Deputy, during which time he was active mainly during the riots that took place after the elections of 1914 , culminating with the call of Alfredo Gonzalez Flores to exercise the Presidency of the Republic. The new president appoints Tinoco as Secretary of War and Navy. -
Taking Advantage
Taking advantage of deep popular discontent against the government, Tinoco took power through a coup, the 27th of January of 1917 , this coup had popular support and presidents, except for Ricardo Jimenez , who shelter in their farm in Carthage. -
He immediately convened a Constituent Assembly, which, in April 1917, is elected President of the Republic and decreed a new Constitution to reform the state.The excuse that the coup appeared before public opinion was that President Flores tried to stay in power longer than his constitutional mandate allowed, but that charge was proved false -
On June 13 of 1919 , the town took up arms in San Jose, there rioters destroyed several properties Tinoco brothers. Both Federico and his brother Joseph Joachim, who was Secretary of War and strongman, sent the army against the mutinous civilians. -
handing power
On August 12 of 1919 Federico handed power to Juan Bautista Quirós, Director of the International Bank, and left the country. Later and to request made by the President to the Congress to be granted a "permit" to leave the country, Federico Tinoco, family and people close to him sailed for Europe , specifically Paris. -
The country was in a difficult economic situation, especially the product of World War I , to which the refusal of the President of the United States, joined Woodrow Wilson , to recognize as "legitimate" president of Tinoco, despite diplomatic efforts the latter performed. -
Tinoco died in Paris on December 7th of 1931 of old age