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Father of Federation / Henry Parkes

  • Henry Parkes was born, His father is Thomas Parkes, his mother is Martha Faulconbridge

    He was born on the 27th of May 1815, Canley, Coventry, United Kingdom.
  • Kicked off his farm due to debt

    Sadly he was kicked out of his home and was forced to find a house.
  • He married his 🅵 🅸 🆁 🆂 🆃 wife.

    His first wife was Clarinda varney
  • Period: to

    How long he was married with his first wife

  • Parkes made Education free for public schools

    Parkes's educational work resulted in the Public Schools Act of 1866, which introduced compulsory free education for public schools.
  • Parkes led the Tenterfield oration

    Oration means formal speech
  • The federation of Australia was made

    NSW, Queensland, Victoria, WA, SA, Tasmania, combined To make The common wealth of Australia.