F. Scott Fitzgerald Life

  • born on September 24,1896 in saint palm Minnesota

    born on September 24,1896 in saint palm Minnesota
  • Graduated from Princeston

  • Due to his academic failure he was put on probation which lead him to the army

  • while he was in the army he wrote his first novel

    while he was in the army he wrote his first novel
  • He was assigned to Alabama where he met his future wife.

    He was assigned to Alabama where he met his future wife.
  • After being discharged from the army he went to New York to seek his writing dream

  • Scott was having some trouble in New York so he quit his job and went back to Saint Paul to rewrite his novel.

  • Near the end of 1919 he finally made a break through as a writer and a week later married Zelda.

  • Soon after they got married they had there only child named Fraces Scott

    Soon after they got married they had there only child named Fraces Scott
  • A year after they had there daughter they decided to move to long island.

    A year after they had there daughter they decided to move to long island.
  • Scott and his family decided to take a trip to France where he later wrote the Great Gasby.

  • After writing the Great Gasby he wrote many other great novels but didn't publish them until 8 years go by.

    After writing the Great Gasby he wrote many other great novels but didn't publish them until 8 years go by.
  • Scott fell deep into alcoholism which broke apart his family and stopped his writing.

  • Scott got out of alcoholism and wrote his last novel called Tender is the night.

  • Scott later died of a heart attack

    Scott later died of a heart attack