Period: to
Eat, go to work, sleep...
James (age 43) has a good paying job but does not feel that he has any significance within the workplace.
Erickson's stage 7: generactivity v. stagnation: the crisis is staying with the same company and working for the high income that he has been accustomed to make or looking for another job that would offer a higher degree of self fulfillment but at a lower amount of income. -
Period: to
To say "I do or not to say I do", that is the question
Josh (age 26) has been with his girlfriend for almost two years. She has been giving him the, where's our relationship going, line recently. Erickson's 6th stage, Early Adulthood: Intimacy v. Isolation. Josh really loves his girlfriend (Sarah 22). However, Mike is worried that if he were to marry Sarah, they may end up falling out of love and getting a divorce. At the same time, Sarah has reassured Mike that her love is unconditional and is ready to make a permanent commitment. -
Everyday is the same
David (44) has been working for the same company for 12 years and wonders if he's an important piece of the company's workforce. Erickson's stage 7, Middle Adulthood: Generativity v. Stagnation. David has had significant increases in his pay through the 12 years. However, he has not received any verifiable encouragement from his superiors indicating whether his place with the company makes a difference. He wonders if another company would be a better fit while still maintaining his salary. -
Period: to
What should I do...?
Mike (age 15) sees his friends smoke and feels that he might fit in more if he were to smoke with them. Erickson's stage 5 Adolesence: Identity v. Identity Confusion. Mike and his friends have been friends since they were very young. Over the summer, his friends started smoking and have offered Mike cigarettes as well. Mike is in a dilemma of whether his friends will continue to like him even if he continually says no to their offerings.