European Nations Settling in America

  • 1520

    Smallpox is Brought to the Americas

    In 1520 Native Americans were not yet immune to diseases such as smallpox, measles, and the flu. A Spanish ship sailed to Cuba and to the main content of the Americas. That ship carried over these diseases. This resulted in the death of many Native Americans after they came in contact with the European explorers.
  • 1524

    Giovanni Da Verranzo Sail to New York Harbor

    Giovanni Da Verranzo and his crew sailed for the country of France to New York Harbor. They were the first known Europeans to enter New York Bay.
  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier Names Prince Edward Island

    In 1534 the French King, Francis I authorized the navigator Jacques Cartier to travel to the Americas and explore the island and the River of Montreal. While he was exploring the western coast of Newfoundland and St. Lawrence Bay he discovered an island and named it Prince Edward Island. He claimed that the island was the finest he has ever seen filled with meadows and trees.
  • Jamestown Was Founded on the Coast of Virginia

    The Jamestown Settlement was founded in 1607. It was named after King Henery I. 104 men and boys arrived on the shores of Virginia. In total there were 144 new settlers arrived from the five different ships that sailed crossed the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Samuel De Champlain Founded Quebec

    In 1608 a french explorer named Samuel De Champlain founded the city of Quebec which is located in present-day Canada. It is a very unique city built on a cliff top with its fortification walls, narrow winding streets, and important historic buildings.
  • Henry Hudson Claims Land for the New Netherlands

    In 1609 the Dutch East India Company hired an English sailor by the name of Henry Hudson. He was asked to explore the yet unexplored land of North America to expand the territory of the Netherlands. He first went around Norway and the voyage failed. He turned around and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to arrive at a water passage now known as the Hudson River. It was named after him and all of his accomplishments.
  • Plymouth Massachusetts was Founded by the Pilgrims

    In 1620, around 144 Europeans migrated across the Atlantic Ocean on a total of 5 ships. About 104 men and boys set foot onto the shores of present-day Massachusetts with a plan to start a new colony. This specific group of people called themselves Separatists because they fled from the English church to practice their faith freely.
  • The Duke of York Claims the New Netherlands and Names it New York

    The Duke of York drives out the Dutch in New Netherlands. The Duke of York claims the colony for England and renamed it New York.
  • The First Indian War Begins

    This is a war that has many names. It was originally named after the Wampanoag chief Metacom who would later be known as King Phillip. This war took place because it was the Native American's last try to not give in to the authority of Britain. It took place in southern New England and would 3 years later on April 12th, 1678
  • French & Indian War

    The French & Indian War was caused by conflicting claims said by the French and the British. Both of these countries claimed they owned the Upper Side of the Ohio River Valley. And both wanted to trade with the Native Americans and control the area. The War ended 9 years later on February 10th, 1763.
  • Louisiana was Founded by Sieur de la Salle

    Sieur de la Salle explores the lower Mississippi Valley river and claims the Valley for France and names it Louisiana in honor of the French King Louis XIV.