Jan 1, 1493
Treaty of Tordesillas
The line of Demarcation gave Portugal the East side of the new world and Spain the West side of the new world. -
Period: Jan 1, 1499 to Jan 1, 1500
Joao Fernandes
He was the main Portugal Sailor during the search of the cod fisheries in the North Atlantic. -
Jan 1, 1500
Trade Routes
Fifteenth Century Portugal's were searching for a trade route to Asia by going South around Africa. This search gave them new found knowledge of the Atlantic Ocean. -
Apr 22, 1500
Pedro Alvares
He was the explorer who established Brazil, a profitable colony at that time. -
Apr 17, 1524
Giovanni da Verrazzano
While attempting to find a passage to the Pacific Ocean and Asia, he ended up entering the Bay of New York and landed near what is now Manhattan. He was soon thereafter pushed by a storm to present day Newport, Rhode Island. -
Jan 1, 1534
The british came to establish presence here in the new world -
Period: Jan 1, 1535 to Jan 1, 1541
Jacques Cartier
This French explorer explored the northeastern part of North America. He settled on the St. Lawrence River, where he met the Iroquios tribes. He developed friendly relations with these tribes, and was welcomed in Holchelaga, which is modern day Montreal. -
Jan 1, 1540
Henry Hudson
Navigator who explored parts of the northeastern part of North America,hired by east indian trading company. -
Sep 1, 1540
Sir Fransis Drake
Jan 1, 1542
Sieur de Robervall
He captaned the first meaningful French settlement expidition. They took over Cartier's existing site in current day Quebec. However, that winter happened to be record breakingly cold, and almost half of the colonists died. They returned to France shortly after. -
Pierre Pugua/ Sier de Mons
He was an explorer, merchant, and visionary. He came to the new world with Samuel de Champlain and attempted to start a settlement at Saint Croix; however, it failed miserably and many died. -
Period: to
Francois Grave/ Sieur du Pont
He was very succesfull in the market of fur trading. He later became commander of Port Royal. -
Samuel de Champlain
He was an established cartographor who came over some years earlier. He is known to be the founder of what is now Quebec, and worked as a diplomat for the new world. He negotiated and traded with native tribes, and had fairly peaceful relations with them. -
Discovery Of Lake Champlain
Upon discovering Lake Champlain, he and nine other soldiers attacked the Iroquios in 1609. Their much more advanced weaponry easilly overtook the tribe. This conflict started years of bad relations with future settlers, and eventually caused the Native Americans to develop their own modern day weapons. -
Henry Hudson
Henry Hudson tries to find a safe route to the Spice islands -
Half Moon
Henry Hudson left Amsterdam on a small yacht named " Half Moon" -
Bold Decisions
He made a decision to head toward North America by a map that his friend drew up for him -
In Spetember he encountered a river that would later be called the Hudson River -
Henry Hudson
Trip through hudson strait to Hudson bay by hudson himself. -
Period: to
Dutch Navigator
Dutch Navigator explored New York and the Southern Portion of New England in 1613-1614. He explored a small island right off Rhode Island, which is now known as "Block Island." -
Trading Company
The Dutch Parliament made a new trading company called "New Netherland Company." -
Jaques Marquette and Louis Joliet
These men were sent by the French to explore the Mississippi River seeking a passage to the Pacific Ocrean. Upon their journey, they had many interactions with peaceful tribes in Illinois. Even though the native people were friendly, the environment wasn't so hospitable. Plagued with mosquitoes, "monster fish" (catfish), and "wild cattle" (buffalo), they experienced a hostile environment. Still they pushed on and reached the Arkansas river, but turned back fearing Spanish capture.