Erikson Timeline- Helena Ballard

  • 1st year of life - trust v mistrust

    Zach is very excited to learn to crawl. Zach exhibits little to no fears in his crawling abilities and is eager to keep trying. His brother Jordan is exhibiting fears and is scared to start crawling. He is scared he might hurt himself and does not know the outcome of his actions yet. Zach is fully confident that his parents will not bring him harm, and he wants to continue to learn new skills. The crisis with Jordan is delayed their sense of trust in his parents, and he develops anxious habits.
  • 2nd Year- autonomy vs shame

    Jordan is now in his toddler years. Jordan has a mother who is very hand on and is around him constantly. Jordan's mother will do anything for him, even when it is excessive. Jordan should be developing his own sense of self and control at this stage. The issue is that when Jordan is an adult, he will have trouble doing things independently. Jordan will potentially have a lowered self-esteem and low confidence.
  • 3rd-5th years of life- initiative vs guilt

    Jordan has started going to Preschool. Jordan has made friends, and they have started to play more games that require thought. They like to play games that require leadership. Jordan is not confident in his choices enough to be a leader. When he was the leader, the other kids got upset with him for his decisions. Jordan feels ashamed and guilty that he cannot play the game as well as the others and make the right decisions that other kids make. Jordan may stray away from leadership skills.