Erikson Timeline - Blanca de Arvizu

  • First Event

    First Event
    Paul ( 5 years old) has received his first pay. Her parents have let him decide what to do with it. He has decided to buy some stickers and save the rest for the future.
    Stage: Initiative vs Guilt
    The crisis is between making your own decisions and learning to take initiative in order to grow, or fail in these decisions and feel guilty.
  • Second Event

    Second Event
    David (16) is about to finish High School and doesn't know what to do next. He is good at biology but his passion is art. He doesn't know what to study because art doesn't have many future opportunities, and his dad pressures him to become a doctor.
    Erikson stage: Identity vs Role Confusion
    The crisis is between the decisions imposed by others and having problems with knowing yourself or doing what you want and forming a strong personality
  • Third Event

    Third Event
    Ben (70) has broken his hip and he will not be able to walk anymore. For all his life, he has saved money to travel, but he always put off this plan. Now, he has a lot of money, but he can no longer walk so he cannot travel. He regrets.
    Stage: Integrity vs Dispair
    The crisis is between being happy and satisfied with life despite having some regrets (integrity) and having the feeling of having wasted life because everything one wanted has not been done (dispair)