Erikson Timeline

By mmhursh
  • Marcus begins to act in school plays: Identity Role vs Confusion

    Marcus begins to act in school plays: Identity Role vs Confusion
    Marcus (age 17) begins to try out for all of the school plays in his junior year. He receives praise for his talent. He discovers an identity in acting and becomes very passionate about it. He spends his free time watching and discussing films with his fellow classmates in the play. In Erikson's fifth stage, Identity role vs Confusion. Teens who find success in finding an identity have a strong sense of self, while those who don't become confused and have a weak sense of self.
  • Marcus does not make close relationships in young adulthood: Intimacy vs Isolation

    Marcus does not make close relationships in young adulthood: Intimacy vs Isolation
    Marcus (23) is in film school and has moved to a large city. The new environment has overwhelmed him and he begins to spend more time alone in his apartment. He attends classes and speaks to classmates, but does not allow people to know him very personally. In Erikson's sixth stage, Intimacy vs isolation there is a crisis between forming deep loving relationships with others and avoiding those relationships. Failure leads to loneliness and isolation.
  • Marcus is on his death bed and looks back with fulfillment on his life: Ego Integrity vs Despair

    Marcus is on his death bed and looks back with fulfillment on his life: Ego Integrity vs Despair
    Marcus (age 80) looks back on his life surrounded by his children and grandchildren and feels no sense of regret for his life. He feels that all things led him to the blessings around him. He is proud of his work in the film industry telling stories he found impactful. Meeting his wife in his late 30s and providing love and comfort for his children. In Erikson's final stage, if one succeeds in finding fulfillment in their life, they will have ego integrity, while those who fail will feel despair