Erikson Timeline

By lseale
  • Toodlerhood

    James (age 3) loves trains and wants to be able to play with a toy train model at the mall. His parents forbid him from being near the expensive train set and scold him, making him feel guilty. In Erikson's second stage, Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt, toddlers are learning to make his own decisions. During this stage affirmation and the ability to make his own choices are positive influences in building a sense of self; as opposed to having restriction placed that may cause him to doubt himself.
  • Adolesence

    James (age 12) is part of the Boy Scouts, as a member he takes on responsibilities at meetings and has an understanding of his role in the group. This aligns with Erikson's fifth stage of development, Identity vs Identity Confusion. The structure of Boy Scouts creates a culture that James can develop an understanding of what he is capable of helping him see his place in the world, and have confidence in his personal identity.
  • Middle Adulthood

    Middle Adulthood
    James (age 38) remains single and without children of his own. His sister has three daughters, as an Uncle he enjoys spending with this Nieces and being a regular part of their lives. Erikson describes middle adulthood as a stage of Generatively vs Stagnation. As an adult without a family of his own James could reach stagnation by concentrating on himself, but sees the value of caring for his family and contributing to the next generation.