Trust Vs. Mistrust
John is born, his father is constantly working, and his mother is a drug addict. When John cries his mother protends not to hear him so that she doesnt have to do anything. According to Ericksons 1st stage, Trust vs Mistrust the child is uncertain about their enviroment, and looks to caregiver for stability, which in this case doesn't seem to be happening. -
Autonomy Vs. Shame
John is now 2, he has now learned to make his own cereal, and can even poor his milk without the help of his parents. Since his mom had gotten clean, she has encouraged, and helped him to get dressed by himself. In Eriksons second stage, Autonomy vs. Shame during this stage the child will start to show signs of independence, and wil begin to attempt tasks without caregiver help. -
Intimacy vs. Isolation
John is going off to college, which means that he will have to break up with the girl that he has been dating for a couple of years. He doesn't want to go through that again so he has made a pact with himself to not let himself get emotionally involved with anyone because he knows he does not want to stay there. During Ericksons sixth stage; Isolation vs Intamacy, the conflict comes when we begin to share our personal selves with others, to begin to trust and love.