Jews arriving auschwitz p

English II semester project

  • 500 BCE

    Lao Tzu

    We also learned of some Asian literature we only covered three main philosophers and one of them was the old master himself Lao Tzu who by stories was born 60 years old. He is the founder of Taoism. He had wrote the Tao Te Ching.
  • 479 BCE


    One of the other writers we covered was Confucius. Confucius was a man of mystery. Yes he did found Confucianism but he didn't write a word. All the writings of Confucianism were never wrote by Confucius himself but by his followers.
  • African Proverbs

    We have gone over some African proverbs and we had to change it to an American translation. Like this: Tanzania and Kenya: the Masai " The zebra cannot do away with his stripes." American translation: You cannot get rid of who you are.
  • African folk tail

    We had to do a small amount of research and do a presentation on African folk tails that we were given. I was given Anansi and Nothing go hunting for wives. The story was really good but also confusing. Here is a link to the thinglink that I did on the tail (
  • African Literature

    In our English 2 class we are discussing other forms of literature from other parts of the world and time periods. We have just finished going over the African unit which included topics on: Nelson Mandela, and some African proverbs, the apartheid, and we also went over some folk tails.
  • video

    ( I chose these aphorisms because they're the ones that stand out to me. I can understand these aphorisms and understand how the saying evolved over time.
  • John Keats

    We read the poem "Ode on a Grecian Urn" by John Keats. John is an English romantic poet.
  • African Apartheid

    The apartheid was a form of racist government that was ran by whites. At the time 18% of the population was white but they were the ruling class. The apartheid started when the British went to Africa
  • George Takei

    George Takei is a actor that was around when
  • Eli's life before deportation

    Eli's life before deportation
    The Jews of Sighet, Transylvania failed to believe WWII will not reach them. Moche the beadle is Eli's mysticism "master". Eli is "advaced"
  • Deportation

    Eli and his family were deported by the Axis powers using cattle wagons. The wagons had few loaves of bread and two buckets of water. The trains stunk due to people having to relieve themselves.
  • Allied Powers (dog tags)

    Allied Powers (dog tags)
    They are in a foxhole in the Ardennes forest fighting the front line. We have concluded that Goldsmith is a Jew that lives in New York. Miguel (main character) is spanish from New Mexico. The two have conversations on old folk tales and languages. Then the German army attacks while the sun is coming up in the morning.
  • Allied Powers (dog tags)

    Allied Powers (dog tags)
    Miguel rushes from foxhole to foxhole when he sees his sergeant slumped over in his hole. Miguel goes to check on him and notices he is dead. Miguel stays in the hole and a tree falls on him. When he wakes up, he finds out the Germans have pushed through. Miguel, scared and curious, goes to check on his buddy Goldsmith. Goldsmith isn’t there and outside the hole is a whining sound. It’s the officer's Doberman that wants to kill him. Miguel escapes the dog by tricking it to fall into the foxhole.
  • Family from far places

    Elie had an uncle Stein from Antwerp in the camp. He hasn't seen his uncle in years. His uncle had only one reason he made it through the camp for 2 years and that was hope that he would see his family again. Stein kept giving Elie extra bread to make sure he stays healthy. A train was supposed to come in from Antwerp with Stein's family on it, but it didn't and Stein disappeared.
  • In The Work Force

    Elie is forced to work in a plant owned by a man named Idek. Elie is warned to be careful around Idek because he can be violent. One day Elie was at the wrong place at the wrong time and Idek lashed out and beat Elie till he could barely move. Elie was used as a scapegoat. After the beating the french girl that worked next to him that could pass as Aryan spoke to him in perfect German.
  • Sad Times

    One day the whole camp is brought into a building where SS guards had a gallows made to hang the ones who had done something wrong. After the person was hanged then they told every one to go and walk past the hanging person. The second hanging was 2 grown men and 1 child for smuggling arms into the camp. The child was described to look like a sad angle. when they were hung the 2 men died instantly but the kid didn't.
  • Death March

    Eli and all of the concentration camp was forced to do the death march to Gliwice, Poland. Many died on the march. The Axis powers are trying to push the Jews back to the heart of Germany so they can execute the Final Solution.
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela was the first black native to be the president that helped end the apartheid. Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years and he came out of the prison and was elected.