Taking out of the Monitor
Ender Is now finally able to get his moniter taken out of him. When they started to take it out of him it caused Ender a lot of pain. The moniter was sucessfully taken out of Ender and Ender finally felt like a normal kid again -
Stilson's beating
Since Ender has gotten his moniter out, Stilson decided it was time to gang up on Ender. Stilson's friends held Ender back so he couldn't do anything. The moment they let go, Ender kicked Stilson ion the Breastbone and knocked him flat on the floor. Ender then took off running. -
Battle School
Ender is accepted into Battle School. Ender agreas to go with Hyru and Graff into space for his battle school training. Graff, Ender and some other recruits got into the space shuttle and took off. -
Ender Arrives
The space shuttle arrives at the battle school and everyone gets out and goes to their bunks. Ender picks out his own bunk and signs in. Then he goes to dinner and makes a new friend. -
First Win
Ender wins his very first game. He looses the first but, he wins the next two games. From that point on, nobody liked Ender -
First Games
Ender is assigned to another team and the leader doesn't like Ender at all. Ender isn't allowed to do anything in the games but stand and watch. Ender could have won so many games but he had orders to do nothing. -
Ender is bumped up into a higher group to where he is allowed to actulaly fight in games. Ender has the highest score than everybody at the school. And he rearly misses his target. -
Ender's Group
Ender is now in charge of his own group of soldiers. Theyy are all rejects from other teams. But Ender gets to work and starts training them for upcoming battles. -
Winning Streak
Ender and his new team have played 7 games straight. They won every single game and they were exhausted. Now everybody pretty much hated them for being the best at everything. -
Attacked in showers
Bonzo went into the bathroom while Ender was taking a shower, so he could get even with him.Ender quickly knocked Bonzo out. Dink quickly got Ender out of the bathroom and back into his bunk. -
Peter and Valentine
Peter has this great idea to conquer the world. So he goes and talks Valentine into helping him. Both Peter and Valentine go on the interent and start blogging like they were adults. -
Ender Finally graduates Battle School and his able to go to Commander School. Ender is happy and sad that he graduated. But now he is able to move on with his training. -
Ender visists Valentine
After four long years at the Battle School Ender is able to go back to earth. He barely seems to recognize his sister at all. After he spends his entire day with her he has to leave earth once again. -
Commander School
After three long months traveling in space, Ender finally arrives at the Commander School. When Ender enters the School,he doesn't feel right, like he didn't belong there. Ender was taken to his room and given his assignments. -
Bugger defeat
Ender is taking his finally exam at commander school. Ender and is other troops are fighting the buggers and are greatly outnumberd. When he wins the game, he finally realizes that the games were actually real battles. He had destroyed all the buggers.