End of Christ, Biginning of Christianity

By 17jac17
  • Feast at Simon's

    Feast at Simon's
    Simon had thrown a feast for Christ upon his arrival in Jerusalem. Simon becam a disciple of Jesus when he was healed of leprosy.
  • Period: to

    Passion Week

    April 1: Saturday
    April 9: Following Monday
  • Jesus enters Jerusalem

    Jesus enters Jerusalem
    Jesus sent to men to bring him an ass and a colt. The next day, Jesus rode into the town on the ass as the men and women gathered around him. They spread their garments along his path and sang "Hosanna in the Highest!" and waved palm leaves as he rode by.
  • Jesus Returns to Jerusalem and spends the night in prayer

  • Jesus' return to Jerusalem

    Jesus returned to Jerusalem for the second time and cursed a fig tree on his way. While he was in the town, he cleansed the temple and healed the sick.
  • Jesus goes back to Bethany

  • Wilt of the Fig tree

    The fig tree that Jesus cursed the day before wilted
  • Judas' Betrayal

    Judas' Betrayal
    Judas sought the chief priests and asked them how much would be paid to him for the conviction of Jesus Christ and the chief preists agreed to thirty peices of silver. Judas went with his plan
  • Teaching at the Temple

    Jesus taught at the temple for the last time. Here, one widow gave her only two coins, equal to 1 penny. Jesus proclaimed that this was the greatest offering that one could give: everything.
  • Jesus was retired for the day.

  • The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    Preparation is made and the last supper is eaten by Jesus and his disciles. This is the time when Jesus broke the bread as his body and porued the wine as his blood. He did this for all of the world and all furture Generations. Jesus also said the infamous qoute "do this in remembrance of me" at this meal.
  • Praying at Gethsemane

    Praying at Gethsemane
    Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemane were he prayed to God asking for mercy upon his death. Each time he prayed, he returned to find his disciple who were assingned to watch him, asleep. This hapened three times.
  • Trial Before Annas

    Jesus was tried. He told the preists that he was the son of God, and will be sitting at the right hand of the Almighty. This was dubbed as blastphemy and he was prosecuted.
  • Day Trial

    Jesus was questioned by the elders and the cheif preists. They asked him if he was truly rhe son of GOd. He answered yes and was prosecuted on that note.
  • On the Cross

    On the Cross
    Jesus, guilty of blastphemy, was nailed to the cross by his hands and feet. Contrary to the popular belief, the nail, said to be in his hands, was actualy on his wrists, in the center of his arm. This was said to be exponentialy more painful than a nail in the center of your hand due to the multitude of nerves in that particular section. Jesus was on the cross from 9 am- 3 pm.
  • Buried

    Jesus was placed into a tomb before the sabbath day. The tomb was sealed shut by a large stone and guarded by 100 soldiers.
  • Jesus in the tomb

    Jesus in the tomb
  • Ressurrection

    Jesus rose from the dead someime before sunlight.
  • The Empty tomb

    The Empty tomb
    Mary Magdelene found the tomb empty along with Peter and John. Believing the body was solen, she begins to weep. Two angels of the Lord appeared and said "Why are you crying, he who was dead is alive again!"
  • Returning

    Alive agian, Jesus returned to his disciples and told them to tell everyone that he was truly ALIVE again.