

  • 1453

    Ancien Regime

    Ancien Regime
    The Ancien Regime was the political, social and economic system in force in Europe in the 18th century. It had a class society, an agrarian economy and the absolute monarchy as a form of government.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment was an intellectual current that questioned the principles of the Ancien Regime. Its ideological bases were based on reason, natural rights, the human being could come to knowledge using reason and tolerance.
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    One of the greatest philosophers of the Enlightenment, who lived in France in the last Modern age. He was know for his theory of separation of powers: legislative, executive and judicial. He wrote ¨The Spirit of the Laws¨. His political ideas greatly influenced the French Revolution.
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    One of the greatest philosophers of the Enlightenment, who lived in France in the last Modern age. He was famous for his advocacy of civil liberties, including freedom of religion and separation of church and state. He wrote ¨Candide. His political ideas greatly influenced the French Revolution.
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    One of the philosophers of the Enlighenment, who lived in France in the late Modern Age. He defended the idea that sovereignty should be in people´s hand. He wrote ¨The Social Contract¨. His political ideas greatly influenced the French Revolution.
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    Adam Smith

    One of the greatest philosophers and economist of the Enlightenment, who lived in Scotalnd in the last Modern age.
    He was born in Scotland. He argued against the regulation of trade and defended a free-market economy. He wrote ¨The Wealth of Nations¨. He is considered the father of economic liberalisn and capitalism.
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    George Whasington

    He was the first president of United State. He was united fated military leader during the American Revolution War. He led the United States to victory
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    James Watt

    James Watt (Greenock, Scotland, January 19, July / January 30, 1736greg.-Handsworth, Birmingham, England, August 25, 1819) was a Scottish mechanical engineer, inventor and chemist. The improvements he made to the Newcomen machine gave rise to the so-called steam engine, which would be fundamental in the development of the first Industrial Revolution, both in the United Kingdom and in the rest of the world
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    Thomas Jefferson.

    He was the third president of the United States. He was a powerful advocate of liberty and a spokesman for democracy.
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    Luis XVI

    He was king of France and Navarre. He was the last monarch before the fall of the monarchy by the French Revolution, as well as the last to exercise his powers as an absolute monarch.
    He increased French power and influence in Europe, fighting in three great wars; the Franco-Dutch Wat, the Nine Year´s War and the War of the Spanish Succession
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    Who became leader of the jacobins during the French Revolution. He became dictator during the Reign of Terror, eliminating all those considered enemies od revolution.
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    Napoleon Bonaparte

    He defened some liberal ideas, he controled all the powers in France, Napoleonic army invaded different europeans countries, creating the Napoleonic.
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    George Stephenson

    George Stephenson (June 9, 1781 - August 12, 1848) was a British mechanical engineer and civil engineer who built the world's first public railway line using steam locomotives (Stockton-Darlington, 1825) 1 and the first line railway with passenger transport using steam locomotives (Canterbury-Withstable, 1830).
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    In France a revolution broke out that put an end to the ancient regime
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    Pierre Joseph Proudhon

    Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (Besançon, January 15, 1809 - Passy, ​​January 19, 1865), was a French anarchist philosopher, politician and revolutionary and, together with Bakunin, Kropotkin and Malatesta, one of the fathers of the historical anarchist movement and of its first economic tendency, mutualism.
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    Abraham Lincoln

    He was the 16th president of the United States. His presidency was dominated the American War, he defended all slaves.
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    Mijial Bakunin

    He was a Russian political theorist, philosopher, sociologist and anarchist revolutionary. He is one of the best known thinkers of the first generation of anarchist philosophers.
    He is considered one of the fathers of this thought, within which he proposed the approaches of anarcho-collectivism. His legacy marked a strong influence for revolutionary socialism.
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    Karl Marx

    Karl Heinrich Marx
    (Trier, May 5, 1818-London, March 14, 1883), sometimes translated into Spanish as Carlos Enrique Marx, was a German Communist economist, philosopher, sociologist, journalist, intellectual and politician of Jewish origin.
  • First Industrial Revolution

    First Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution or First Industrial Revolution is the process of economic, social and technological transformation that began in the second half of the 18th century in the Kingdom of Great Britain, which spread a few decades later to much of Western Europe and Anglo-Saxon America, and that concluded between 1820 and 1840.
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    Friedrich Engels

    Friedrich Engels1 (in Spanish sometimes translated as Federico Engels2 3 in some Hispanic countries; Barmen-Elberfeld, Prusia; November 28, 1820-London; August 5, 1895) was a philosopher, political scientist, sociologist, historian, German communist and socialist journalist, revolutionary and theorist
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    Thomas Alva Edison

    Thomas Alva Edison (Milan, Ohio; February 11, 1847-West Orange, New Jersey; October 18, 1931) was an American inventor, scientist, and entrepreneur.1 2 3 He developed many devices that have had great influence on everyone, like the phonograph, the movie camera or a durable incandescent light bulb.
  • Second industrial revolution

    Second industrial revolution
    The Second Industrial Revolution refers to the interrelated changes that occurred from roughly 1870 to 1914, when the First World War began. The industrialization process changed its nature and economic growth varied from model to model.
  • The Restoration

    The Restoration
    After Napoleon's defeat, a period called The Restoration began in Europe.
    It is characterized by: monarchical legitimacy, international responsibility and the congress system