Edgar Allen Poe Tragic Life

By Alstonj
  • Period: to 49


  • Father left Poe

    This event will help to shape his feelings toward the men in his life.
  • His Mother dies

    She died of Tuberculosis which left all three children to go to foster homes
  • He found his first love

    He loved her but she dies of brain cancer when he was 15
  • His foster mom had TB

    When he got to the home his foster mother had TB
  • His Foster Dad had many affairs in the house

    His Foster dad had affairs in the house while his Wife was dying
  • He had 2000 dollars in debt

    He tried to get money from gambling but ended up with 2000 dollars in debt.
  • His Foster mother dies of TB

    His foster mom dies of TB
  • He married his 13 year old cousin

    He married her when she was 13 and he was 26
  • His Wife got TB

    His Wife got TB
  • She dies of TB

    His wife dies
  • found unconscious

    He was found unconscious in a valley
  • Edgar Allen Poe Dies

    He dies