Early Israel History

  • 1082 BCE

    Saul's Birth

    Saul's Birth
    Saul is born. He is born about 70 years before Samuel dies.
  • 1067 BCE

    Jonathan's Birth

    Jonathan's Birth
    Jonathan is born. He is the son of Saul.
  • 1052 BCE

    Saul is King

    Saul is King
    Saul starts his reign. He is anointed when he is about 30.
  • 1040 BCE

    David's Birth

    David's Birth
    David is born. He is the son of Jesse.
  • 1025 BCE

    David vs. Goliath

    David vs. Goliath
    David kills Goliath. He marries Saul's daughter.
  • 1018 BCE

    Saul's Sin

    Saul's Sin
    Saul kills the priests at Nob. They are slaughtered.
  • 1015 BCE

    David and Jonathan's Friendship

    David and Jonathan's Friendship
    David and Jonathan's friendship last forever. That is the last time they see each other.
  • 1014 BCE

    Samuel's Death

    Samuel's Death
    Samuel dies. A lot of people mourn for him.
  • 1010 BCE

    Saul's Death

    Saul's Death
    Saul kills himself in battle. He doesn't want to be captured.
  • 1010 BCE

    Jonathan's Death

    Jonathan's Death
    Jonathan is killed in battle by the Philistines. The Philistines were too much for him.
  • 1003 BCE

    David's Kingship

    David's Kingship
    David starts his reign at Jerusalem. He is about 30.
  • 1001 BCE

    David & Bath-Sheba

    David & Bath-Sheba
    David lays with Bath-Sheba and she becomes pregnant. He later kills Uriah, who was the husband of Bath-Sheba.
  • 999 BCE

    Solomon's Birth

    Solomon's Birth
    Solomon is born. He is the son of David.
  • 979 BCE

    Absalom's Death

    Absalom's Death
    Absalom is killed by Joab in battle. Absalom gets caught in an oak tree.
  • 970 BCE

    Solomon is King

    Solomon is King
    Solomon is anointed king. He is the third king of Israel.
  • 970 BCE

    David's Death

    David's Death
    David dies. He is 70.
  • 950 BCE

    Solomon's Temple

    Solomon's Temple
    Solomon builds the temple. It takes him 7 years to do it.
  • 950 BCE

    Solomon's Palace

    Solomon's Palace
    Solomon builds his palace. It takes him 20 years to do it.
  • 931 BCE

    Israel's Split

    Israel's Split
    Israel is divided. The new kingdoms are Israel and Judah.
  • 931 BCE

    Solomon's Death

    Solomon's Death
    Solomon dies. He is buried with his fathers.
  • 931 BCE

    King Jeroboam

    King Jeroboam
    Jeroboam is anointed king. He reigns for 22 years.
  • 931 BCE

    King Rehoboam

    King Rehoboam
    Rehoboam is the first king of Judah. He reigns for 16 years.
  • 915 BCE

    Rehoboam's Death

    Rehoboam's Death
    Rehoboam dies. He is buried in Jerusalem with his fathers.
  • 910 BCE

    Jeroboam's Death

    Jeroboam's Death
    Jeroboam dies in 910 BC. He was the first king for Israel.
  • 874 BCE

    Ahab's Reign

    Ahab's Reign
    Ahab starts his reign. He is the seventh king of Israel.
  • 870 BCE

    Jehoshaphat's Reign Begins

    Jehoshaphat's Reign Begins
    Jehoshaphat is anointed king. He reigns for 21 years.
  • 855 BCE

    Ahab's Greed

    Ahab's Greed
    Naboth is killed. Ahab gets his vineyard.
  • 853 BCE

    Ahab's Death

    Ahab's Death
    Ahab dies. He is killed during battle.
  • 853 BCE

    Jehoshaphat Goes to War

    Jehoshaphat Goes to War
    Jehoshaphat allies with Ahab. They fight against Assyria.
  • 853 BCE

    Jehoram's Reign

    Jehoram is crowned king of Judah. He reigned for 8 years.
  • 849 BCE

    Jehoshaphat's Death

    Jehoshaphat's Death
    Jehoshaphat dies. He is buried in Judah.
  • 815 BCE


    He was a king of Judah. He was crowned at age 7.
  • 802 BCE


    King of Judah. He reigned 29 years.
  • 780 BCE


    Uzziah is king of Judah. He reigns for 52 years.
  • 720 BCE


    Hezekiah is king. He reigns for a number of years.
  • 710 BCE

    Hezikiah is surrounded by the Assyrians.

    The Syrians surround Jerusalem. They are going to kill them.
  • 700 BCE


    Manassah is king. He reigns for 55 years.
  • 670 BCE

    Mannasah repents

    Mannassah is captured. He repents.
  • 650 BCE


    Amon is king. He only reign for a handful of years.
  • 640 BCE


    Josiah is king at age 8. He reigns for 31 years.
  • 630 BCE

    Josiah's Discovery

    Josiah's Discovery
    A priest finds the book of the law. He takes it to Josiah. He reads it and he realizes they could be destroyed. He encourages the people to repent.
  • 608 BCE

    Josiah's Death

    Josiah's Death
    Josiah dies. He killed in battle.
  • 608 BCE


    Jehoahaz is killed by the Egyptians. Their king puts one of his relatives at king.
  • 608 BCE


    Jehoiakim is king of Judah. He reigns for eleven years.
  • 595 BCE


    Jehoachin is king of Judah. He reigns for 3 months.
  • 595 BCE


    Zedekiah is king of Judah. He reigns for eleven years.
  • 590 BCE

    Zedekiah's Sin

    Zedekiah's Sin
    Zedekiah mocks the prophets. He also trashes the temple.
  • 586 BCE

    Judah's Downfall

    Judah's Downfall
    Judah is attacked by Babylon. They are deported to Babylon.