Jan 1, 1001
Leif Ericson
He was the first man to explore North America. He was trying to see if a trader, Bjani, was correct on his statements about lands off west. The adventure started in Greenland, and he ended up in what we know as Canada. Leif Ericson Biography -
Jan 1, 1275
Marco Polo
Marco Polo lived from 1254-1324, and he was the most successful travler of the Silk Road. He travled the trail through Mongolia all the way to China. He was able to make the round trip that lasted 24 years. He bridged the gap between Asia and Europe, and his books inspired people to leasrn more about the world around them. Marco Polo and his travles -
Jan 1, 1497
John Cabot
Cabot was born in Italy in 1450, and he moved to England in 1945. He was asked by King Henry VII to sail to Canada. The king wanted to see if there was a way to get to Asia through North America. Carbot was not able to find a way through. John Cabot the explorer -
Jan 1, 1534
Jacques Cartier
He is a French explorer, who was sent off to North America to find a Northern Passage. He ended up naming and exploring Canada.
Jacques Cartier French Explorer -
Jan 1, 1577
Francis Drake
He sailed around the world in three years. He was able to get a better view on where the continents are. The Queen was the one who hired him, and paid him a large sum of money.
Sir Francis Drake -
Jan 1, 1578
Walter Raleigh
He sailed over to America with his half brother. He liked it so much he built the first settlement there on Roanoke Island, and it failed badly.
History of Walter Raleigh -
Henry Hudson
He was hired by a company to find a northern passage from Europe to Asia. He not able to find the passage, but he explored aroud the Artic ocean. He found the Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, and the Hudson River. Henry Hudson! -
Samuel de Champlain
He was a French explorer who settled Quebec. It was settled because France wanted a good fur trading. He also mapped out most of North America.
Samuel de Champlain. -
James Cook
James Cook was a sailor for the Royal Navy. He was chosen by the Brittish government to sail to the Pacific to find the mysterious continent. He was able to find the coast of Australia. On later Voyages he found New Zeland, Tahiti, and Hawaii.
Captain James Cook -
George Vancouver
He confirmed that there was no northern passage through North America to Asia. Also he was named after Vancouver in Canada. He joined the Royal Navy when he was 13, and he joined Captain James Cook on his voyages.
George Vancouver.