The beginning of Dr.Bennet Omalhu
Dr.Bennet Omalhu was born September 1 1968, nobody really knows what date he was born. His full name is Bennet Ifeakandu Omalhu. He was the sixth out of seven children. His mom was a seamstress and his dad was a civil engineer. -
His college years
This is my estimate of when he started college. The college he went to was the University of Nigereia Medical School. Whe he started college he was 16 years old. -
Discovery of Head Trauma's
In 2002 Dr.Bennert discovered that a football player Mike Webster, he died later of sepression,mood disorders etc. Then later other football players were getting head trauma's so he went to multiple football practices and everytime time he went he saw that football players were hitting their heads hard against each others. -
Becoming Wurst
Later Dr.Bennet found out that football players were killing themselves because of the head trauma. Also,because of depression,mood disorders,and etc. -
Starting a new life
He is chief Medical Examiner of San Joaquin County,California right now he is living in Lodi,California with his wife Prema Mutiso and hi stwo children Ashley and Mark.