Don bosco en colores

Don Bosco`s Life

  • Don Bosco´s Birth

    Don Bosco´s Birth
    He was born in I Becchi, Italy
  • His Father´s death

    His father, Francis Bosco dies of Pneumonia
  • Saltimbanqui

  • His first teacher

    His first teacher
    John meets Fr. Joseph Lacqua, his first teacher
  • His first Dream

    His first Dream
    In 1825, when he was nine, Bosco had the first of a series of dreams which would play an influential role in his work and outlook.
  • His first Communion

    His first Communion
    John makes his first communion on Easter Sunday. Mamma Margaret told repeatedly told him: "John, my son, God is going to give you a great gift. Try to prepare yourself to be worthy of him."
  • Looking for a job

    Looking for a job
    He left home in February 1828 at the age of twelve. After begging unsuccessfully for work, Bosco ended up at the wine farm of Louis Moglia.
  • Meeting Don Calosso

    Meeting Don Calosso
    He met Fr. Joseph Calosso. Don Bosco started to study Italian grammar and Latin
  • Studying in Chieri

    Studying in Chieri
    John went to stay in Chieri public school for ten years. The experience of living as a boarder not only allowed to develop his knowledge of different trades, but also prepared him psychologically for his future youth apostolate.
  • Seminary

    John enters St. Philip's Seminary in Chieri. He began his philosophical and theological studies
  • John Bosco is ordained to the Diaconate

    John Bosco is ordained to the Diaconate
  • Oratory

    Oratory numbered 20 boys
  • Margaret and the Oratory

    Margaret and the Oratory
    John Bosco´s mother moves to the Oratory to help care for the boys.
  • Michael Rua

    Michael Rua
    A boy named Michael Rua came to the oratory for the first time.
  • His illness

    His illness
    Because of his long and serious illness, Don Bosco decided to stay at home for a while until his recovery was complete. When he returned to Turin his mother Margaret came with him and became mother to his boys.
  • His second oratory

    His second oratory
    Don Bosco started his second oratory in Porta Nuova
  • Salesian society

    Salesian society
    Salesian Society is officially recognized
  • Dominic Savio

    Dominic Savio
    Dominic Savio is registered at the oratory. He will be the first pupil of Don Bosco to be canonized.
  • First carpentry shop at the Oratory

    First carpentry shop at the Oratory
    The first carpentry shop is opened at the Oratory; the first two high school grades are introduced.
  • Mama Margaret´s death

    Mama Margaret´s death
    Mama Margaret dies in Valdocco Oratory in Turin
  • Dominic Savio died

    Dominic Savio died
  • Michael Rua was ordained a priest

    Michael Rua was ordained a priest
    He was the first of Don Bosco's students to be ordained a priest.
  • Sanctuary of Our Lady Help of Christians

    Sanctuary of Our Lady Help of Christians
    Don Bosco began the construction of the Sanctuary of Our Lady Help of Christians in Valdocco.
  • He went to visit Varazze

    Don Bosco became very ill as he went to visit the Salesian Institute in Varazze
  • Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians

    Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
    Don Bosco begins a female association to care for the education of girls The new society of women is called, 'Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians', and is popularly known as the 'Salesian Sisters'.
  • Sacred Heath Basilica

    Don Bosco traveled to Rome for the last time for the consecration of the Sacred Heart Basilica
  • Don Bosco´s death

    Don Bosco´s death
  • Don Bosco is canonized

    Don Bosco is canonized
    Don Bosco is canonized by Pope Pius XI on Easter Sunday