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World History Timeline

By katiefa
  • Thomas Hobbes birth

    Thomas Hobbes birth
    Thomas Hobbes is an English philosopher who believed that all men are born evil. He believed they were born selfish, greedy, and bad. He also believed that there needed to be an absolute monarch. He then made a thing called the social contract where people would agree to be governed a certain way.
  • Discovery of the gunpowder

    Discovery of the gunpowder
    Before hand James I found out about a letter that suggested there was going to be an explosion at parliament. He had a group of people thoroughly search parliament for anything suspicious but they did not find anything. Not satisfied he had another search and they soon discovered barrels of gunpowder behind a wall of fire wood in the basement.
  • Conspirators flee

    Conspirators flee
    Upon hearing the arrest of guido the other conspirators still in London fled. They wanted to get away with out getting caught.
  • Guy Fawkes confesses

    Guy Fawkes confesses
    After Guy was captured he was taken to a prison where he was tortured. They knew he was guilty but wanted him to say it himself. So when Guy had enough of the torture he explained to them the whole plan in detail.
  • Death of Guy Fawkes

    Death of Guy Fawkes
    After Guy confessed he was soon to be executed. He was publicly executed. He was hung as punishment and when he was he jumped so it would break his neck and die instantly.
  • John Lockes birth

    John Lockes birth
    John Locke is an English philosopher who believed that everyone is born good. He would also use the term tabula rasa which meant black tablet. So not good but not bad. He also believed in natural rights which are life, liberty, and property and that the government will protect these rights.
  • John Hargreaves

    John Hargreaves
    John Hargreaves was an English carpenter who lived in lancashire, England. He is the one who created the spinning Jenny. The spinning Jenny made spinning thread much faster and easier.
  • John Newton

    John Newton
    John Newton had a crazy life. Growing up his father had trade ships and when the father retired John took over. On one of his journeys he was captured by the navy and forced to join. Under some certain circumstances he was put in charge of a slave ship. While on a journey on the slave ship there was a big storm and he prayed and made a promise to God that he would redden himself and follow God. John Newton kept that promise and also wrote the song “Amazing Grace.”
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    James watt was and English man who was an inventor and English engineer. James is the one who invented the steam engine. This helped us a lot because it made traveling faster and trading faster and things like sending food to someone was possible rather than before. So this sort of transportation was a big step up form before.
  • Marry Wollstonecraft

    Marry Wollstonecraft
    Mary believed that all women should have the right to do what they want. That they should just stay home but getting the same education as men. She did believe that women should help take care 9f the children but not all the time. She believes that women should be able to make money to support the family to.
  • William Wilborce

    William Wilborce
    William is the one who proposed the abolition of slavery. He was the leader of the abolition and with the help other he was able to get there and slavery was abolished.
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney
    Eli Whitney was an American inventor who was widely known. He invented the cotton gin and inchangable parts which helped a lot of people back then.
  • Samuel slater

    Samuel slater
    Samuel slater was the one who brought invention ideas to the US where he is now known in the US as “Father of the American Revolution”. In Britain he is known as “slater the traitor” because he took the English ideas and brought them to America and that was not a very much liked thing.
  • The Beginning of the Revolution

    The Beginning of the Revolution
    The start of the revolution was when the people stormed into Bastille. Bastille was a prison. Some people may ask why storm a prison but that was because that prison held a lot of gunpowder. They successfully took over bastille and released the prisoners all except 7 who they killed. Only 18 died 73 wounded and 7 guards killed.
  • Samuel Morse

    Samuel Morse
    Samuel Morse is the one who invented the Telegraph and the way you would use it was by tapping sounds which was called Morse code.
  • National Convention

    National Convention
    The National convention was a French assembly that governed France. Their first act was to abolish the monarchy. They decreed fraternity and offered French assistance to anyone who wanted to over through the government.
  • End of monarchy

    End of monarchy
    People said as long as there was still a royal family monarchy cold be restored. So they put king and queen into jail and had people vote for them to live or die. In the end they got killed king Louis XVI on January 21, 1793 and later queen Marie Antoinette on October 16, 1793.
  • Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    Maximilian would try to keep the people of Franc safe but he did the exact opposite. My people died because of him. Because of this many people where paranoid and when they thought something looked odd they would report and that person would die.
  • Marie Antoinette executed

    Marie Antoinette executed
    A little later after King Louis XIV was executed his wife was executed. Before she died she was kept in a prison type cell and had soup. She then was sentenced to be executed.
  • Battle of trafalger

    Battle of trafalger
    This battle was a battle between France and Britain. Usually Napoleon wins his battle but this battle he lost. The French lost and the British won.
  • David Livingston

    David Livingston
    David Livingston was a missionary who originally wanted to go to China but ended up going to Africa. He explored and discovered Victoria falls. He was a good man who wanted to stop the slave trade with in Africa. He disappeared for an amount of time until Henry Stanley went to find him, which he did. When Henry asked to take David home David did not want to go home and so henry returned home with out Livingston but a story to publish.
  • Napoleon in Elba

    Napoleon in Elba
    Napoleon was captured and was sentenced to Elba. Elba is an island. He was to stay there until he died. That was his punishment for what he has done.
  • Queen Victoria

    Queen Victoria
    Queen Victoria was a popular queen among her people. She spoke 5 different languages. She won many people’s hearts including parliament. She married Prince Albert and had 9 children.
  • Napoleons death

    Napoleons death
    Napoleon died on St. Helena on May 5, 1821. Some people believe he died because of stomachs cancer or an ulcer. There are also reasons to believe her died of arsenic poisoning.
  • Abolition of slavery

    Abolition of slavery
    Slavery was a problem in Great Britain but with the help of other people who were fighting for their freedom slavery was abolished
  • Opium war

    Opium war
    The opium war was a war between the Chinese and the British. China wanted to stop opium trade with Britain cause their people were getting addicted to the drug which cause problems. Britain wouldn’t stop trading and resulted in smuggling the goods in. Because of this there was a war but China lost because Britain was way more advanced in military, artillery, and technology.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Thomas Edison has invented many things. Some of things he is most well known for are the light bulb, moving pictures, and phonographs. In 1879 he invented the first light bulb. With all the inventions he has made they have brought us to what we have now.
  • Alexander Graham Bell

    Alexander Graham Bell
    Alexander has helped us tremendously with his invention the telephone. The telephone was invented to transmit sound/ talk with people from far away. With his research into this we now have what we call a iphone, android, or what ever type of phone you have now is all thanks to him.
  • Women’s suffrage movement

    Women’s suffrage movement
    This moment was for women to gain the right to equal rights and public services as men. They were violent in England. This was also happening in the US. In the US they weren’t as violent though. By 1920 women could vote. And later the representation of people act was made so that women could vote at an earlier age,
  • War of independence 1857

    War of independence 1857
    This is a war between the sepoy and the British. The sepoy where part of the British military until a rumor went around saying that the gunpowder packets where I closed with pig/cow fat which went against the sepoys religion in many ways. This was a very fierce rebellion.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    There were problems with people fighting over the land in Africa between the Western countries. Because of this there was a conference held in Berlin called the Berlin conference. This conference determined which country would get which part of Africa. There was one problem with this though because none of leaders of Africa were invited to have a say.
  • Eiffel Tower

    Eiffel Tower
    The Eiffel Tower was built as a way to remember the 100 year of French Revolution. It also served as an entrance to the world fair. It was actually only supposed to be temporary but became permanent.
  • Dreyfus Alfred sent to Devils island

    Dreyfus Alfred sent to Devils island
    Dreyfus Alfred was a working man in the military until he was found “guilty” for leaking information to Germany. His punishment was to be sent to devils island which was a horrible place. He was soon brought back to Europe for a retrial.
  • Australia

    Australia is a continent. The origins of Australia were made up of convicts sent from Britain. Britain used Australia as a place to send people for crimes. Soon those convicts turned Australia into their own colonization.
  • Wright Brothers Plane

    Wright Brothers Plane
    The Wright brothers invented the first fly able plane that ran off of gasoline. They did a test run in Kitty Hawk, South Carolina. With this invention we took it and made it better and safer to use. We now use planes as a way of transportation and for other reasons to.
  • Treaty of Portsmouth

    Treaty of Portsmouth
    This ended the war between Russia and Japan. Signed treat in New Hampshire by the presence Theodore Rosevelt. Also recognized Japan as world power.