Jan 1, 1497
John Cabot discovers Canada
It is believed that sometime in 1497, John Cabot (also known as Giovanni Cabotto) landed on the island of Newfoundland. -
Samuel de Champlain founds Quebec City
Samuel de Champlain is credited with founding the town of Quebec City (Stadacona) and the colony of New France -
War of 1812 Begins
The picture depicts the burning of Washington, when the original White House was razed -
War of 1812 ends
Charlottetown Conference
September 1-9, 1864 -
Canada Becomes Independent
Women Gain the Right to Vote
Newfoundland Joins Canada
Expo '67
Considered the most successful World's Fair of the 20th century, it ran from April 27-October 29, 1967 -
2010 Winter Olympics
Vancouver Games. Ran until February 28, 2010.