Daniels Story

  • Daniel's 6th Birthday

    Daniel's 6th Birthday
    At the party, his dad and Uncle fight about leaving Germany or not since Jews have started to be persecuted there.
  • Daniel goes to a new school

    Daniel goes to a new school
    After the teacher tried to humiliate him in front of his class talking about true Ayrans. And using him as an example. Daniel left and joined a Jewish school where he was accepted.
  • ID cards for Jews

    ID cards for Jews
    Jewish people had to carry ID cards with a J on them, along with wearing a yellow star. They also had to add Sarah or Isreal to their names.
  • Yellow Star

    Yellow Star
    All Jews must wear a yellow star on the outside of their clothes so the Nazis can distinguish who is a Jew and who isn't.
  • Transported to the Ghetto

    Transported to the Ghetto
    Daniel and his family were pushed out of their homes to the Ghetto. The Nazis also took their most valuable belongings.
  • Life in the Ghetto

    Life in the Ghetto
    There were diseases spreading all around and fast. His family had to carefully split food so they don't starve to death.
  • The Nazis banned instruments

    The Nazis banned instruments
    They did this to dehumanize them and make them feel isolated. Music can be a source of happiness.
  • Erika organizes a strike on soup

    Erika organizes a strike on soup
    People have been stealing vegetables inside soap leaving nothing for the workers so they refuse to eat it, going on strike.
  • Daniel and his family are transported to Aushwitz

    Daniel and his family are transported to Aushwitz
    They have transported from the ghetto in Lodz to Aushwitz a well-known death camp where they work people to their death.
  • Daniel watched Adam get shot

    Daniel watched Adam get shot
    When Daniel steals the guards gun and shoots him the other guards shoot Adam. Daniel found Adams actions admirable since he chose his way to die.
  • Daniel goes down memory lane

    Daniel goes down memory lane
    Daniel takes time to look at old photos. He recalls seeing an SS officer shooting a child right before his eyes. He also spoke out on how he had to take pictures of German families.
  • Daniel and his father quarantine

    Daniel and his father quarantine
    They were forced to sleep in a small area with a bunch of others, dehumanizing Jews. They also have to work all day despite the weather.
  • Daniel joins the reistances

    Daniel joins the reistances
    After being convinced by Adam, Daniel joined because he wanted to help in some way. Referring to himself as a “helpless rabbit”
  • Daniel helps his father

    Daniel helps his father
    Since Daniel is in the resistance and helps his father dismantle a chamber. He is also afraid that he will get killed before being free.
  • Daniel and his father stay in a hospital

    Daniel and his father stay in a hospital
    Daniel looks at the picture of an American soldier. He stays overnight with his father in the hospital. Meeting up with Peter they get assaulted in a gas station. Later he goes on to search for his sister, Erika.
  • Daniel visits Peter/goes to the ghetto and finds out what happened to Erika

    Daniel visits Peter/goes to the ghetto and finds out what happened to Erika
    Daniel is right next to Peter as he dies, promising to tell his family what happened. He goes back to the ghetto to meet up with others. There he finds out that Erika died in the infirmary with Rosa by her side.