Daniel dennett

Daniel Dennett

  • Birth

    Born in Boston, Massachusetts. His father passed away when he was 5. He became interested in philosophy by age 11 and received his degree in philosophy from Harvard University.
  • Brainstorms: Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology

    His first book written in 1978. The book speaks about artificial intelligence and consciousness. It is a collection of 17 essays that offer theories on the mind, consciousness, and free will.
  • Darwin's Dangerous Idea

    Perhaps his single greatest work. In it he proposes that natural selection is a mechanical and algorithmic process based on the original Darwinian theory of evolution.
  • Intentional Stance

    Dennett introduced the term "Intentional Stance" which he is the level of abstraction and mental properties we see while examining the behavior of our objects of observation.
    Dennett's name was listed in the Honorary Board of distinguished achievers. He was also awarded the Erasmus Prize. He was able to translate the cultural impact of science and technology to the everyday people.