Wrote "Brainstorms"
In this book, Daniel Dennett confirms his compatibilist views on free will and demonstrates his designed two-way model. Compatibilism is the study of information based on Darwinian evolution and this ties together with his two-way model because he explains how every decision an individual makes will ultimately affect the next decision. This is called determinism. -
"Cog" the Robot
The engineering team at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which Daniel Dennett was apart of, attempted to construct a conscious robot called "Cog". Dennett wanted to work on this project due to his obsession with the human brain and consciousness. During this time, he continued to write books about consciousness, like "Consciousness Explained" and "Darwin's Dangerous Idea". -
"Brains, Computers, and Minds"
Daniel Dennett gave a lecture called "Brains, Computers, and Minds" at Harvard for their Distinguished Lecture series. During this lecture, he discussed his advocacy for memetics, the study of culture and information based around Darwinian evolution. Also, he discusses postmodernism and how it contains no truths and only interpretations. -
Philosophy and Religion
Daniel Dennett's values, morals, and beliefs converged with religious movements towards the fact that religion is false. He explains that religion is a man-made construct in order to create a social phenomenon and to have other humans follow a value without any actual evidence of truth or accuracy. He discusses topics like this in his book "Science and Religion: Are They Compatible?". -
Daniel Dennett & David Chalmers
During this discussion, Dennett and Chalmers discuss if superintelligence is possible.