
Dalai Lama

  • Birth of the Dalai Lama

    Birth of the Dalai Lama
    Lhamo Thondup was born in a village in the north-eastern part of Tibet. He was born 5th in his family of 16 children. Only 7 of these children ended up surviving.
  • The Search for New Dalai Lama

    The Search for New Dalai Lama
    A search party set out to find the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama. The search led them to Lhamo and at the young age of 2, he was recognized as this reincarnated soul.
  • Spiritual Leader of Tibet

    Spiritual Leader of Tibet
    Named the official spiritual leader of Tibet. He began living like a monk, wearing robes and shaving his head. His name was changed to Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso.
  • Politcal Power

    Politcal Power
    Full political power was granted to the Dalai Lama at the age of 15 years old. This came at a time of great distress of China threatening to gain control of their lands.
  • Bridging Differences

    Bridging Differences
    For almost the next decade, the Dalai Lama tried on many different occasions and many ways to try to reason with China. He met with China's rulers as well as holding peace talks.
  • Buddhist's Celebrations

    Buddhist's Celebrations
    The Dalai Lama was invited personally to India. During this time, he was able to enjoy the 2500th Buddha Jayanti Celebrations. This is a grand event celebrating Buddhists.
  • Forced to leave

    Forced to leave
    With no improvements with the Chinese, the Dalai Lama was instructed to leave the country in order to avoid a cruel scheme against him. He got word that the Chinese wanted him so he disguised himself as a soldier and ended up escaping.
  • Tibetan Schools

    Tibetan Schools
    The Dalai Lama was able to sneak out and flee his country and he ended up in India to stay. He recieved a degree honoring his doctrate level of Buddhist philosophy, named the Geshe Lharampa degree. It was during this stay that he began to design schooling for Tibetan children.
  • Speaking Out

    Speaking Out
    A press conference was held by the Dalai Lama, during which he denied truth to the Seventeen Point Agreement that China had forced the Tibetans to sign. This was a big deal for the Tibetan people that he was able to speak up and out against the Chinese.
  • The Dalai Lama Touching the World

    The Dalai Lama Touching the World
    The Dalai Lama recieved the Nobel Peace Prize. Hewas awarded wit this due to his nonviolent ways to end China from taking over his country. He spent the rest of his years travelling and spreading peace and wisdom. He is well known for his great wisdom and intellectual teachings.