Creativity Cult Timeline

  • Group is Formed

  • Neo-Nazis

    Ben tries to recruit neo-Nazis into the church for "nationalism" reasons.
  • Recognized in News

    Ben founded a "Creativity headquarters" in Otto, North Carolina. Many people opposed this when the headline, "Pro-Hitler, anti-Christ Leader Headquarters Here".
  • Period: to

    Legal Problems

    After the death of his wife, Ben looked for a successor for the church. Even though he preferred Rudolph G. Stanko, he could not choose him because he was in prison at the time. He decides to have Charles Edward Altvater, shortly before replacing him with Mark Wilson because of criminal charges. Klassen then has to replace Mark Wilson with Richard McCarty. After this, he was forced to sell the church's property for $100,000.
  • Death of Ben Klassen

    At this time, Ben committed suicide with sleeping pills at the Creativity headquarters. It is hypothesized that he did this because of a depression he was experiencing because of the financial struggles of his church, the death of his wife, and being diagnosed with cancer.
  • "World Church of the Creator"

    Matthew F. Hale and other ministers formed a successor group. He was not able to use the original name because of a trademark infringement case.
  • Hale's Associates Shooting

    One of Hale's close friends, Ben Smith murders 2 POC and wounds 9 POC in a shooting after being denied a law license.
  • Arrest of Hale

    Hale is arrested charged for murder and attempted murder. He was sentenced to 40 years, which officially ended the "World Church of the Creator". After this, two smaller groups called "The Creativity Movement" and the "Creativity Alliance" was created.
  • Campaigning in the US

    Fliers promoting the Creativity Movement was found in Montana.
  • Campaigning in the UK

    Leaflets were posted in Liverpool saying: "The white race is nature’s finest".