
  • Journal 4

    Journal 4
    Crabbe gets caught with booze in his locker. This is the ime is the story were we realize that Crabbe has a drinking problem. But at the same time Crabbe ignores that he does.
  • Journal 4

    Journal 4
    All the conversations that Crabbe has with his parents and teachers about his future and how hes throwing it away, tell him that he is ready to finally do it. Escape.
  • Journal 5

    Journal 5
    After Crabbe has been wanting and getting ready for about a year to finally leave. He does it, he starts his journy.
  • Journal 6

    Journal 6
    Crabbe makes it to Ithica camp. A place that Crabbe believes will make him disappear.
  • Journal 6

    Journal 6
    Crabbe begins to canoe. He spent the day on the water trying to get free from everything and everyone he left behind.
  • Journal 7

    Journal 7
    Crabbe spend the day on the water again trying to make it to the lake. He learns some skills on the way, he learns how to control it better. He settels down for the night.
  • Period: to


  • Journal 8

    Journal 8
    Crabbe induldges himself in his food that he brought. Not caring he spills it everywere. At this point it starts to set in that he brought none of his stash of alcohol.
  • Journal 8

    Journal 8
    After Crabbes first meal sence he left he fel asleep. When he woke up he relized somethng wasnt right. all the food that crabbed spilt everywere attracted a bear.It almost attacked him, Crabbe was so scared he passed out.
  • Journal 9

    Crabbe relizes what he has done, he starts questioning him self. it finally sets in what exactaly what he has done. He had no idea what it would be like once he leaves on his adventure to freedom. It is alot harder than he thought.
  • Journal 9

    Journal 9
    Crabbe has no experience canoeing so by acedent he gets in a bit of a jam, He goes over a waterfall. Crabbe almost drownes but a woman pulles him up out of the water saving him.
  • Journal 10

    Journal 10
    This beautiful woman as Crabbe describes saves him. After he flew off the waterfall he almost dies from the coldwater but she pulled him out right in time.
  • Journal 10

    Journal 10
    The woman says that anyone would of save a person if they were in the situation Crabbe was. Crabbe felt ashamed because he would not of he would of been to scared.
  • Journal 11

    Journal 11
    Crabbe acdently started opening up The womans backpack and she got really angry.
  • Journal 11

    Journal 11
    The womans name is Mary. Crabbe has finally faced his problems and was scared that once he did admitt to them there would be nothing left of him.
  • Journal 10

    Journal 10
    Mary teaches Crabbe how to use a compass, so if he were ever lost he would know what way to go.
  • Journal 12

    Journal 12
    On the day befor Mary took Crabbe to the middle of no were and left. She told him to find his way back to her. Crabbe sussfully did it with out getting lost.
  • Journal 13

    Journal 13
    Crabbe was having problems with his craving for silent sam, When this happened Mary was there to help.
  • Journal 13

    Journal 13
    Mary gave Crabbe with a pip with the ying yang symbole carved on the side of it. She thought it would help him get over his craving for the alchole. Crabbe did not believe it would work but hie tried for her.
  • Journal 14

    Journal 14
    Crabbe relizes after all this time and everything that she has done for him made him fall in love with her.
  • Journal 15

    Journal 15
    Mary decides that its time for Crabbe to get going Thats when he tells her he loves her. Bt hes only friend to her. So the final thing they do toether is go steal some food from a nearby camp to help last Mary through the winter.
  • JOurnal 16

    JOurnal 16
    They were stealing some food staples from the camp, but there were people there so mary ened up getting caught y one of the men.
  • Journal 17

    Journal 17
    Mary dies in this chapter.. She falls of a cliff trying to get back to thee camp site. Crabbed burned her body saying good bye then headed back to camp.
  • Journal 16

    Journal 16
    Crabbe gets Mary back he found her. It dosnt say whats happened to her but i guess she didnt want to talk about it
  • Journal 18

    Journal 18
    Crabbe got back to Mary camp and spent a few days there. He could'nt understand why he wasnt sadder why he wasnt crying. He relized he didnt miss her as muchas he thpught he would.
  • Journal 18

    Journal 18
    He started to look through Marys bag. The one she got mad at him for looking in. Crabbe found newpaper articles, With her on them, She was a university professor, It talked about her husband...she was married.He had died and someone unplugged his life support at the hospitle. It hit Crabbe she killed him....
  • Journal 19

    Journal 19
    This morning when Crabbe woke up it was snowing, there was 4 inches of snow had fallen. This is when he knew it was time to leave. He headed off that day on the canoe. He found a spot to camp to spend a few nights.
  • Journal 19

    Journal 19
    He spent a few nights in this small cave out of the wind. The snow was falling so hard he didnt want to leave but he had to.
  • Journal 20

    Journal 20
    There was so much snow the lake had frozen ove he would need to walk the rest of the way. He had fallen a few times frezzing his hands. He stared not being able to feel them. His fingers were all swollen and hurt bad.
  • Journal 20

    Journal 20
    He found the road and got picked up by a big truck. The driver noticed how bad his fingers looked so he rushed him to a hospitleto get help.
  • Journal 21

    Journal 21
    Crabe woke up and he was in the hospital, He was so out of it that he didnt even relize that two of his fingers had to be amputed. He was luck they didnt need to removie his whole hand.
  • journal 21

    journal 21
    Crabbe did not want to tell the cop who was at the hospital his name, But eventually he did. The cop had to call is parents. Crabbe wasnt looking forward to that.
  • Journal 22

    Journal 22
    Crabbes parents were at the Hospital that day waiting to see him. he was scared because he could see it in them how bad they felt how crappy there life had been sence Crabbe had ran away.
  • Journal 23

    Journal 23
    After Talking to his parents he felt bad, he had finally took responsiblity for why he left and told his parents why he did it he stood up for himself. But he still felt ashamed.
  • End

    Crabbe was Fiivenally home after 5 months. He got a job. it was suprizing.he took up running because he was so fermilliar with being active all the time. He even made some friends. He was happier with his life.